Sunday, August 29, 2004
Forty Years
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Brazil in Canada
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Good news!
Police Clearance

Sunday, August 22, 2004
Always on a Sunday
Sundays are always busy for us. This was no exception. Today I preached at one of our neighbour churches, Pleasant Park, as they are currently without a pastor. We really liked the pastor there and will miss him a lot. He accepted a church back in Nova Scotia, in his hometown. I tried to share an encouraging, as well as challenging message to the people. I’ve spoken there a number of times, so I know the people pretty well.
Since their worship was at 10:00, I was able to attend most of our 9:00 service and get back in time for most of our 11:00 service. Of course I missed Sunday School, but I had a substitute teacher stand in. After church I made lunch for the kids, as we continue to rehearse for our youth service in Sept. They have such a good time, it is infectious. From sitting around the lunch table talking, to practicing our worship songs, they are just a great group of kids. They are really excited about the worship, hoping that their friends will come. Will you pray about that with us? Our group of kids is small – we have 5-7, but they really are making this an opportunity to reach their friends. Today we even decided to add in the use of helium balloons and homemade matching t-shirts. Sounds like fun, huh? It did make for a long day for me, since we finished practicing at 4:30! So I am going to kick back and relax a little. João is taking someone to the airport at 5:00 tomorrow morning. Better him than me.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Things That Go Bump in the Night
They go stomping in with their guns and lights and yelling "This is the police". I felt like a regular Law and Order participant. A long time afterwards, while we stand shivering outside, they come out, having discovered the perp! Cleaning supplies. Yes, that's it folks. A bunch of cleaning supplies fell off the shelf and knocked open the door and then went rolling out into the hallway. Why? We'll never know.
But all's well that ends well. Sort of anyway. João couldn't bear to see the rest of the Matrix. I could and did, as somehow it seemed tame after our little adventure. Life is just grand in the slow lane, isn't it?
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Saying What You Think
Monday, August 16, 2004
Monday, Monday
This afternoon we took off and went out for a while. Just what the doctor ordered! We decided to put off for a few days going to the Iraqui embassy. We just feel we need to do this at the right time. We'll keep you informed. Just keep praying about it!
It was such a gorgeous day today that we worked on the lawn and it looks so nice now. João continues to haul dirt (we had tons left from the truckload that was needed to repair our basement) and fill in the holes in the yard. By winter we hope we'll have it all spread out. They say winter is not far off this year. The forecasters don't really know everything, though. They've said summer is basically over, but that's hard to believe on a sunny 82 degree day. Hope your Monday was a good as ours!
PS - I'm studying the humane society site, beginning to look for another cat. Bela left a hole in our hearts.
Good-bye Bela
One sad note, for me, is that Bela, my foster cat has gone back to her original home in Alberta, Canada. In two months I got really attached and I miss her affectionate nature. Sadik has looked for her all over the house and sat on me for about two hours this evening. That's not characteristic, so I think he's lonely.
Sunday, however, was a good day, as we had two good services today. After church, I had rehearsal with the youth for our youth service in September after classes start again. It's going to be cool! We start off with a hip-hop cheer. We are doing drama and other unusual things. I made lunch for the kids and we sat and talked for about 2 hours. We had such a good time. They are really good kids. Our prayer is that this service will help them grow spiritually and bring their friends into church.
Friday, August 13, 2004
Our Continuing Immigration Saga
Thursday, August 12, 2004
God's Coincidences
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
Tuesday morning
Our kids at church are going to a day camp out in the country, sort of sponsored by the Baptist churches. In the mornings I drive one of the little girls and two of our volunteers to catch the bus out to the camp and then pick them up in the afternoon. That's my contribution to the cause. Yesterday they had a great time as it was warm and sunny. I'm not so sure about today - it's raining. I don't think their solar oven cookies will work. This is an ecological camp and the kids came back fascinated... "Did you know carrots grow in the ground?" Can you imagine that? Have a great green day.