And that's the truth folks. I haven't put in an entry because I don't have any photos to go with anything interesting to say. Now you will have to read the words. Me, if there aren't any pictures, I don't find a blog very interesting. I must be like 6 years old, right?
I wanted to tell you about our worship on Sunday, which consumed most of my week last week. October 12th is children's day in Brazil, so on Sunday (the 14th) we had a special worship service to remember our children. A young man of 11 led the worship. He did such a good job. Better than most adults. Of course I had written out all the transitions and everything he should say, but having grown up in church and being an excellent speaker, he knew how to add little touches and adlib. He and I both were nervous. It is hard to lead a worship service and make it flow. Especially in front of more than 1000 people live, plus live internet and radio!
The children's choir presented 3 numbers from a cantata they are preparing. It was about being "More than Heroes". What was interesting was how each song was a very different style - from rap to classical.
An 11 year old played the violin for the prelude and a 10 year old did the postlude on the piano. That may seem like no big deal, but remember the size of our church. I was amazed the kids were willing to do so.
The "funniest" moment, was when I usually do the children's message, because João called up people who were over 80 for an "adult's message". They were much more irreverant than the children ever are. They loved being at the front, however. People had to help them, but they came with their canes an all.
I prepared the whole worship service on powerpoint for our new projector. It is not yet what we will use for the auditorium, since our sanctuary is so big we have to have a special set up that costs an absolute fortune, but I used a screen on one side and had the kids sit on that side to be able to watch everything. We had even the little kids present, so it was a challenge to keep things moving for our 3 and 4 years old. I think there were about 80 kids or so. Not bad, considering it was a lo-o-o-ng holiday weekend (Friday and Monday were holidays), and we had 80 families travelling on a missions trip.
I "preached" to the kids (hoping the adults would also apply the lesson to their lives) for about 10 minutes (I don't think anyone minded things ending early). I used animations on the powerpoint, which the kids loved, of course, as well as objects. I talked about God's call to Jeremiah, and the plan that God has for each of our lives. I used the beautiful quilt the ladies at Eastview made for me to show how beautiful our lives can be if we follow God's plan. I threw together a bunch of fabric scraps and asked if that was as nice as the quilt, explaining that we all need a purpose or plan and the best one is God's! Of course quilts aren't all that common here and people were just fascintated. Everyone wanted to take my quilt home.
The congregational music was just great too as we sang some old children's songs (which are timeless, like Praise Him All Ye Little Children and Alelu, alelu, alelu alelujah, Praise Ye the Lord) as well as some more contemporary children's songs (which I liked better actually). It was fun!
When the service ended, I was tired (since the equipment was all new, no one knew how to set it up and so it was all a close call to get it done before the church started. So it was run here and there to get a table, get a cord, set up the screen, hook up the computer, etc.) It was hot and humid and the air conditioning only gets turned on a few minutes before the service (I know that is crazy, but they seem to think that saves money... and it probably does, since they also turn it off about 10 minutes before the service ends. So about the time things get comfortable, it gets hot again).
Heat seems to be a killer proposition for me. When I get hot it seems like every bone, muscle and tendon in my body starts to ache. I seem to be really fighting against this pain, especially in my ankles with the Achilles tendon problem. I know if I just lost weight things would get better. That, however, doesn't seem to be happening. I am being faithful to my water exercise class 3x a week. I am really enjoying my class a lot. I am making friends and having fun. I think my favourite class is on Fridays when we jump on mini-trampolines in the water. I definitely feel better on the pool days.
On the other two days I try to get out and do marketing so I am forced to walk for about 30 minutes or so, but it's hard when it hurts so much - no matter what kind of shoes I wear. It's hard to know what to do. My feet thank me when I don't walk. The rest of my body thanks me when I do!
It's interesting, however, when I have to do something in public, it's like I put aside everything else and go into a "trance". I don't feel the heat or pain or anything. I just do it, as Nike would say. When it's over, then I am tired or thirsty or hot or whatever. I have never quite understood that phenomena, except to say I know the adrenaline works magic.
Today there is no adrenaline, so I need work off of motivation. Yesterday I cleaned house (shock and awe), so today I have time to study and prepare for Sunday when I am speaking at another church for their women's service. Also I have to get ready for the following weekend when I am helping to leading a seminar for engaged couples. As momma would say "It's a great life if you don't weaken".