Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Eagle Will Be Landing

Wow! What a day today. Be glad, very glad you don’t have to deal with the American embassy here in Rio. Today João had his appointment to get his visa to the US (his had expired). Things have changed since he got his last visa in 1997. I was pleased in that you had to set up an appointment, with an exact time and day and all the forms filled out electronically. I figured it would be a snap. Now why would I possibly think that anything that had to do with bureaucracy would be a snap? Have I gone temporarily insane of something? Especially an embassy which takes on all the worse possible traits of both countries.

The day dawned hot and sunny and off we went for the 10:30 appointment, that they warned us to arrived 30 minutes beforehand to have time to do security. So what did we behold upon arriving? The same old block long line. Of course being the good American I am, I looked at that line and had a heart attack, went up to the door and simply told them we had an appointment for 10:30 and wanted to go in since it was now 10AM. They looked at me like I was crazy and didn’t even waste their breath talking to me. They just pointed down the block at the end of the line. Man was I irritated. I mean what IS the point of an appointment?  I had to pay $35 just for privilege of setting up the appointment via internet and this is the efficient result? Government efficiency at its very best.

Argh. After about 20 minutes of profuse sweating and complaining, I took myself across the street to an air conditioned restaurant, abandoning my husband to suffer in line (well, it was his visa, not mine, after all).  Every bone starts to ache, my head throbs and soon I begin to feel like I am going to just die and I don’t care what I have to do to get out of the heat. I might even sell my mother’s kidneys to get out of the heat. Phooey, I’d sell my own. I get desperate. So I sat in the restaurant drinking a milkshake, soaking up the cold air and watching the line not move.

Oh, did I say not move? Well every 20 minutes or so, they would let in a new group. So around 11 or so, I saw João move into the final group and off I went, waving my American passport, so that I could go in with him. Once inside, things went pretty quickly. There was a line to go through security. Then a line to turn in documents. Then a line to fill out a document to have your visa (assuming you are approved) couriered to your house. Then a line to be fingerprinted. Then a line to be interviewed. Then a line to pay the extra fees (there are always extra fees, trust me). João was immediately approved since his trusty wife was there with her all powerful American passport (yes, in this case it really was). Finally there was the line to turn in the final papers to have the passport sent to our house next week, with a new visa and the last line to pick up his cell phone he had to check outside the embassy. Gotta love lines.  Then we came home. End of that saga.

Time to make alaplans to go to the Baptist World Alliance in Honolulu, Hawaii. I began doing so. I paid our our registration at the event. I downloaded the forms for my registration at the women’s event. Then I studied, from every angle hotels and flights. I got a case of the nervous Nellies and opted out of using Expedia, Obitz or Travelocity, since I had a bad experience with Expedia last year (they actually changed my reservation 6 times and I ended up having a horrible trip coming and going). I finally opted to call the hotel (after dithering about which hotel to pick, since the BWA site said they were full for the dates I wanted), but actually was able to reserve the one I wanted, at about 40% less than the official Alliance “discount” price (I know, that makes no sense!)

I even got a breakfast buffet thrown in and a car rental (yes, I know it’s Dollar rentals and a micro Dodge Caliber) for around $200 for the 9 days. I also got a flight from Cincy (oh did I neglect to mention that I will be spending a couple of weeks of vacation at Mom’s house before heading out to the BWA?) to Hawaii, that only makes one stop and costs much less than our flight ph370amh_hoa_reception from Rio to Cincy!

Our church will be grateful that I have taken such care to spend the least amount of money for the BWA trip (they are paying for the BWA, but the rest of the trip is on my nickel), and have come in almost 40% under budget. Sounds easy, but it took about 8 hours of work on the computer. Here it is midnight and I am just about finishing up. If I could keep my husband’s attention for more than 5 minutes at a time (he finds these details SOOOOOOOO boring – like I don’t? – that he spaces out), I’d make our reservations to visit the family before the BWA.  So I still have to make our flight reservations to get to Mom’s house, but that’s a piece of cake compared to what I have done today. 

Whew! I have been dreading this trip to Hawaii. Seriously. Now I am officially excited, although now I have to start working on my presentation at the women’s conference. I realized that it was the junk I resolved today that I was dreading. I am so glad I am not a travel agent. I am so glad I don’t have to travel too often. Now that it’s all done, I am really excited. Our hotel is just across the street from the Convention Center, so it’s going to be fun to be with Baptists from the entire world for several days. Can’t wait.

Monday, March 29, 2010

“THE” Wedding Shower of the Year

Well, now it’s all behiDSCF0795nd us and just a happy memory, but Saturday was quite a busy day as we prepared for, participated in and then cleaned up from Elly’s wedding shower. This was an all girls event, although my husband did “crash” the party searching for something to eat (and yes we did share goodies with him!) and then later he returned (poor guy) to help move things and clean up and then take poor tired Elly home with all her goodies.

It was an elegant, traditional and fun shower and as Elly herself said, every detail was well thought out. Elly’s bridesmaids outdid themselves with creativity. As you see the photos, they speak for themselves. I will try to explain some of the photos. Since it’s been a millionflores years since I’ve been to a wedding shower in the US, I am not sure what takes place nowadays and am not sure how different they might be from our Brazilian traditions.

At the planning meeting for the shower, we decided on a “picnic” theme, together with sunflowers, Elly’s favorite flower.  So we had red and white checkered clothes for the picnic part and of course real sunflower arrangements, as well as fake ones on the rest of the decor.

In Brazil thDSCF0794ese are not “showers” , but “teas”, so of course we had to serve iced tea. Also, they are called “kitchen” teas, so our theme had to include kitchen items, thus the handmade chocolates with wooden spoons, cutting boards, etc. Her beautiful cake also reflected that. Her sister, Sissy, designed the cake and it was spectacular (and looked delicious, but I had eaten so much other junk I just didn’t dare taste it). The doll on the cake is supposed to vaDSCF0796guely resemble Elly.

The table of cake, candies and sweets was just fabulous. Enough to make anyone’s mouth water.  Those who know me well, know how much I love sweets and most especially jelly beans. Everytime I went by I swiped a coconut jelly bean. In the photo I look a little frazzled and I was. It was hotter than hot that day, and I was just exhausted from the heat, so I had just been standing in front of a fan so my hair is more than a bit windblown!

We didn’t have just sweets, though, as we also provided a light supper, with a yard long sandwich, cheeses, dips, quiche, cold cuts, etc. You could eat as much or little as you wanted. We had way, DSCF0806way too much food, of course, as it was all delicious and we ended up rather stuffed. The shower, by the way, was held in the party room of our building. It is quite ample and has all the tables and chairs, etc. so it was nice to have plenty of rDSCF0791oom and all. It did mean that I kept the elevator busy running up and down getting things we were missing or needing.

Consequently I missed the moment Elly arrived, but I did catch her shortly afterwards and she was so excited. The room really was lovely. DSCF0800As you can see behind her, her mother-in-law had a photo of the couple blown up and framed (hey, I can’t resist adding this was my idea!) and it made a nice centerpiece for the table where people wrote messages to the couple. sogras You can see Elly posing with her mom and mother-in-law in front of the table. I got so caught up in the fun and all, I just forgot to take pictures of everything, including the big decorated pans where we put the presents. That was such a cute idea.

We played a lot of games and that was fun. I have tried to make a small movie containing the photos of some of the funnier shots of the games. I hope you can see them and enjoy them. When everything ended we were all tired and happy. And a little astonished to realize that it is only a little over 3 weeks til the wedding. Hope you enjoyed virtually attending the shower.




Friday, March 26, 2010

Good News

Imagem010For those who have followed the story of Mia and her corneal ulcers, I have good news. The vet ophthalmologist gave her a good report today. He said the ulcers are almost healed. One more week of intense treatment and if all goes well this week, next week we’ll start working on the scar tissue that has formed. That treatment can only be done after there is no more ulceration, as the medicine helps dissolves the scars, but would worsen the ulcer. She kind of looks like she has a cataract right now. The interesting thing is that there are only two pharmacies in the city that make her new meds, which are specially formulated for her. I had begun to think she was just never getting well after six weeks of meds and consults. I am so glad she has had such good care and this week she has really shown how much better she feels as she has run and jumped and even chased after her toys.
I have been making progress on my writing, although I am not totally sure I can finish it by Wednesday.  I just keep getting interrupted by life and other things. I mean we have to eat and we have to have clean clothes and all that stuff.
If I even find time next week, I should write about Elly’s wedding shower, which is tomorrow. I think it will be fun and lovely. All the duties were nicely divided up, so no one had to do too much, which is nice.
I had a re-arranging attack this week and I moved furniture around from one room to another and then turned around everything in my bedroom. That was good for me, as I needed a change.
My current reading (listening) book is so interesting and at the same time technical. It is called "Anticancer, A New Way of Life".  I have lots to go, as I just started it this week.  I think the author is really on to something as he talks about lifestyle influencing cancer treatment. I have already been deeply moved by a wonderful story in the first chapter. But it’s late and I’ll tell you about that later. Better yet, get the book and read it. Have a good weekend, I know I will.

Monday, March 22, 2010

HELP! I’ve Procrastinated again.

  If you’ve read my blog, you know I have been “working” on writing a VBS for a long time. Maybe I should say I have been thinking about working on it. The hour of truth is upon me, as it’s due next weeDSCF0787k. Last week I really worked hard and began to make progress. My hands are killing me from so much time on the computer.
Today while on the way back from the gym (you would be so proud of me, despite everything going on, I have loyally been working out five times a week), I decided to stop at the mall and see if I could find the rest of my accessories for Elly’s wedding. Can someone please explain why they are costing twice as much as the dress did? Anyway, I had success. Last week I found the shoes and purse. Today I got my jewelry. E voilá, my outfit is pretty well complete. I draw the line at getting new underwear! Now I just have to set up the appointments to get my hair and nails done on the day. Of coursewellanomadcouture_thumb, I have to decide how to do my hair, but pelo-corto-1I think I’ll get a tapered bob, and do it in red highlights. What do you think of this color (right) and  this hair cut (left)?
This Saturday will be the wedding shower and I am looking forward to that. It should be fun. It’s also the day of prayer for world missions at our church, so between the two of them, I think it'll be a full day.
Between one thing and another, I have been listening to an audio book; mostly, of course, as the gym, but also cooking and in the car. It is called “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”. It was a surprising book, that I didn’t expect to enjoy all that much, as it’s largely a science text. If I had read it, I would have said I couldn’t put it down, but in fact, I could hardly stop listening. It was about 18 hours long and yet the time flew by. It is about cell research, but also about the life of the young woman who died of cancer and how her cells were used for medical research. It also traces the story of her children and grandchildren. The story of the people gripped my interest. The question of bio-medical ethics piqued my interest and made me think. The information about cell research informed and interested me as well. In another words, everything about the book was fascinating. Some parts were so interesting I rewound and listened again, something I’ve never done before. I very much want to buy a hard copy of the book to read as well. I highly recommend that you run out and get a copy of this book, to read. It will make you think; it will shock you; it will make you grieve; and it will give you hope. It was so good I was anxious to finish it, but at the same time I was sad to finish it.  I hope you enjoy it too.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Pastor’s Wife Sunday

Such a simple phrase and it seemed so awkward to translate. Yesterday, in the Baptist churches in Brazil, Pastor’s Wife Sunday was celebrated. It’s a fairly recently development here, officially voted in 2002, I think. I never know what to think about a date that artificially forces us to tell someone we like (or love) them. You know, like Valentine’s Day. I mean, if we need to day to remind us that we love each other, or to encourage us to be romantic, or to give gifts, isn’t there something wrong with the relationship? Or perhaps those things just aren’t important to your relationship.

I really know my church appreciates who I am. It’s nice to hear that. And I do hear it from many people every Sunday. I love the little (and sometimes BIG) gifts, people share with me to say thank-you. I love how people assure me I am in their prayers. I value that deeply.

I have some joao charcoal sketchreservations, however, about the need to be called to the front of the church and be publically recognized for doing what God has called me to do. I am doing no more or less than what all of us should be doing. I am not special, any more than all of God’s people are special. I am make no more sacrifice or suffer more because I have been called to be who “I” am, a pastor’s wife.

I suffer when worship services are transformed into meetings where we thank or praise people profusely. I do believe in honoring people and thanking them for what they have done, but I do not believe worship is the place for that. Worship is to praise and thank God and He must be the focus.

Consequently I always approach special dates with some fear and trepidation. I am happy to report that yesterday turned out “just right”. All the women in our church who are wives of pastors (or widows) were called to the front. Prayer was offered for them. It wasn’t syrupy or long, just the right tone.

In the evening, one of our small groups invited the pastor’s wives to be present and 7 of us were there. One of the artists of the group sketched our husbands and each one had to pick out her husbands from the group. Mine was easy and I recognized him right away, even if he is “blind”!!!  We all had fun getting share some of what was most important to us as ministry wives. That was actually fun.

I love being “my” pastor’s wife. I love my husband and I love my calling. I love it when others perceive that as well. Don’t feel sorry for me, but rejoice in my joy.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

A tuba?


Yes, I’m writing about a tuba. How many times have you been to a tuba concert? I bet I am one up on most of you, because tonight I went to a tuba concert.

On the first Thursday of each month, our music ministry provides a free concert for the public. Usually it is classical music, although sometimes it leans to sacred and at least once it was almost jazz. These are all professional musicians, usually connected with someone from our church, although not always members of a church.

I try to attend, and tonight I made a special effort, since I had never even heard a tuba solo, much less a whole concert. One of the musicians at our church said this young man was the best in Brazil. I’ll take his word for it, since I wouldn’t know. I can tell you that the music was fabulous. I had no idea the tuba was capable of producing such sounds. The last piece he played, by Francis Strauss (Nocturne) moved me to tears. I was stunned with its beauty. Isn’t it neat to have an totally new experience like this?

I couldn’t help contrast this with the previous evening, when I had accompanied João at another church. A famous evangelical singer was there accompanied by her entourage. She sang long and loud, with professional accompaniment and strobe lights and even had backup “dancers” for some of the children’s songs. I mostly wanted to stuff my fingers in my ears it was so loud. I had to cover my eyes to avoid a migraine with the flashing strobe lights. And was certainly not edified by such profound lyrics as “Heaven is better than chocolates and lollipops”. I tried hard to enjoy it. It was all very well done. Mostly I felt just miserable and ashamed of the whole “show” business atmosphere and the cheesy lyrics.

Tonight I attended a show, performed by someone who as not evangelical, surrounded by a secular public. Yet tonight I felt my heart soar. I thought of the beauty and truth God has created and I worshipped him. Strange, very strange.

Is it semantics or theology?

It’s probably just me, but occasionally I read things on Facebook or Orkut that make me cringe.  I mean “Christian” things. I specifically mean things like, “God is so good, I don’t have cancer!” or “God answers prayer, I got the job!” and so on. I think (I hope), it’s just a question of semantics. I mean, I am going to assume these people wouldn’t say God is bad if they did have cancer, or if they didn’t get the job, right? I think they really want to give the glory to God. That is why we pray after all, isn’t it? We don’t pray to get our own way, but we pray so that God my receive all the glory, whatever happens.

I guess there is the rub, isn’t it? At our prayer meetings, people mostly share “answered prayers”, when God says yes. When He grants what people asked for. But whprayer2009072231en He says no? I suppose it’s not in our nature to be grateful when things don’t go our way. That’s the theological question that bothers me so much.

I have watched and observed so many church members who just absolutely lose it when someone dies, or when they get sick, or other tragedies happen. We don’t much like Job’s theology: “The Lord gives and the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord”.

I understand. I don’t mean to judge. It was  wonderful when I got a negative on my biopsy for breast cancer. The whole time I waited for the results, I tried to pray that whatever happened, it would be for God’s glory. That was hard for me! My theology, however, says that’s how I must pray. I must ask for God’s will, not mine. I must rejoice in God’s sovereignty. I must confess that whether God says yes or no, it is for his glory. That even when the worse happens, God is faithful, God is good, God answers prayers.

I have certainly received handfuls of “no’s” from God. You want a list of a few?

  • Being famous
  • Having children
  • Living in Canada
  • Living close to my family
  • Having a good job
  • Being able to live in a small town
  • Not waking up with pain every morning
  • Having a fast metabolism (being able to eat good stuff and still not get fat)
  • Getting married when all my friends did (in my twenties)

Thank you God for these “no’s” and all the others along the way. You are faithful, even when I am not. You are perfect in your goodness. I bless you name when you grant me so many good things. I bless your name when you take away those blessings.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Just Plain Tired

Ok, I admit it. I am writing today just to be able to take a break. I am tired and I want to sit down for a minute. You want to know why I’m tired, even though I haven’t really accomplished a thing yet today? As soon as I was up, it was time to clean Mia’s eyes and then give her eye drops and apply eye ointment. She is recovering quite nicely, according to the vet, although the “bad” eye still has a way to go. You know of course, that giving her the meds means chasing her down, holding her down, then waiting 15 minutes between doses, then giving her lots of love and good combing to calm her down.

Then it was time to make breakfast. I ground the coffee beans, made the coffee, fried the eggs and Canadian bacon, and cleaned the blueberries. We ate breakfast. Cleaned it up and then time elly e be 5for Bible study/reading and some conversation catch-up with João. We always enjoy solving the world’s problems in the mornings while we are still fresh.

Next it was time to be off to the gym. I was able to do almost 3 kilometers today and my heart rate was much slower than in the first week. In fact, I am really going to have to step up the pace to get it beating fast enough. Phooey, just when it was getting easy! Same goes for my sit ups. I maxed out the reps, and so the prof. lowered the mat so it’s hard again. On several machines I have had to up the weights. So in less than a month, I am making considerable progress, although I’ve only lost about 1 inch around the waist. elly e be 7

On the walk home from the gym (it’s about 15 minutes), stopped at the market for fresh fruits and veggies. Upon arriving home, I began washing and cleaning the veggies (have to let them soak some minutes to destroy the little critters). I cut up and water melon and made fresh juice with it. (I love fresh juice, but so hate cleaning the juicer). Got all that mess cleaned up and it was time to put my organic chicken in the oven. Then I began working on cooking barley and fresh beans. Got everything going and then had to cook the eggplant and jiló. That gave me time to clean up those dishes and mop the floor while watching NCIS (more like listening) on my computer.

Then it’s time to serve lunch, eat lunch, clean up the food elly e be 4 and the kitchen (mopping the floor again, because I spilled more stuff on it). I was too tired to scrub the stove, so I let it sit while I chased down Mia again to give her more meds. Now it’s 2:00 and I need to do a million things, most importantly take a shower since I am still stinky from the workout! Fortunately I don’t need to iron anything to wear since I ironed clothes for six hours on Monday. I am totally caught up on that (at least until I do laundry again). We will need to leave in about 3 more hours, as João is finishing up a preaching series (since Sunday) at another church this week. This will be the first night I’ve been free to go with him.

I desperately need to find time to write, but I have almost decided I need to go out of town and stay somewhere by myself. That’s why I planned to write over Carnaval, to get a head start  on the VBS I have to turn in soon, but with company here, that was impossible. In fact, I just can’t seem to get any writing done with anyone present. I can’t concentrate with another “body” around. elly e Be 1

The gorgeous photos you are looking at are the engagement photos of Elly and Bernardo. Aren’t they great? And can you believe their wedding is NEXT month??? Last night I got to meet some of her bridesmaids, as they came over to see where they would be having the wedding shower. I rented our social hall in our building, which is very nice and they got to see the layout and make some fun plans. 

Believe it or notDSCF0779, I am less busy this week, as our Canadian friend has returned home, and of course one less person at home makes a difference. As I mentioned before, it was great fun to see Brazil through his eyes. I had no idea I was so adapted, as I still think of myself as an outsider, even after all these years here. People never hesitate to point out my social gaffs, my bad pronunciation, my lack of understanding of certain situations, so at times I feel like I stick out like a sore thumb all the time. Around Denny, I realized that I think more like a Brazilian than a North American. So while I’ll never “blend” in, at least I don’t stick out. That was good for me to perceive. Brazil is much more my home than anywhere else. Sometimes João and I talk about (very half-heartedly)doing missions in Italy after we retire, and I think it would be cool to live someplace where we BOTH are outsiders. We could suffer equally. Hahahahaha!

One last note, before I get down to real work. It rained at the end of last week and finally, finally, finally the temperatures dropped out of the 100’s. (40+ C) On Monday night it poured rain and the temps fell to about 75. I put on flannel jammies and socks and slept under a cover. It was glorious!!!!  The upshot of which is that I am a MUCH happier person with the temperatures in the 70’s and 80’s than in the 100’s. Hope you are much happier too.