Since we are on the other side of the equator, we are entering into summer and this week it was really hot until today, when we had the picnic with all the church employees. As you can tell by my photo, I spent the day all wrapped up in a blanket, as I was freezing to death. It was rainy/cloudy and windy and we were out in the “country” where the wind came “whistling down the plains”. D
espite the shivers, we all had a good time. We had a great barbeque lunch and lots of fun playing games, talking and generally playing around. As you can see by the two photos (men and women), we have a lot of church employees. They include, of c
ourse, the staff from our school. It was a long day, as we had to drive about 90 minutes to get there and back. The picnic was at the church’s camp. It is pretty much undeveloped there, but right beside it, some church members have a small apt. building with efficiencies, where they spend their vacations. One of
my favorite things is the fish pond. I know, I must be incredibly simple-minded to stand and feed fish and watch them eating. But I did enjoy it. I also enjoyed swinging. What can I say? I never grew up.
It’s a busy time of year for everyone with so many activities for the end of the year and Christmas. I still don’t know why we try to cram all our parties into one month of the year. When I saw Mia lazing under the tree this morning, I thought to myself, that’s how I want to live this Christmas season: slow and easy. So take it slow and easy yourself.
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