Hopefully things are getting a little better, although doctor and dentist's appt and lab work aren't facilitating that much. I even had my hair colored and cut (and that is a 3-4 hour process). As I frequently complain, these kind of things are so time-consuming here. I set up a doctor's appt six weeks in advance just so I could be the first appointment of the day and not have a long wait. Nice try. Not only does this doctor set up TWO (not one) appointments for each time slot every 15 minutes (guess she figures she is magic and can do two people at once),but she also arrives 30 minutes late AND chooses to see drug reps before the patients. Well I ony waited 90 minutes. Better than 3 or 4 hours I guess. I struggled to be "happy" and patient. Fortunately I had my Bible with me and the Psalms got me through and I didn't even have a major "grumpy" attack. Does anyone have any strategies that really work for learning to live with always having to wait? I have tried arriving late, but that doesn't work, as they put you at the end of the line for the consult. I wish it didn't bend me out of shape. I know I have to change and I am working on it, but having to do any "medical" kind of thing is already something I hate. I usually spend the rest of the day "recuperating".
Yesterday I had a small breakthrough, I think, in my art lessons. My teacher gave me some one on one time with using acrylic paints, instead of just letting me free form fail. I have been pretty discouraged on painting lately, and had almost decided to give up. I watched as she showed me and then I tried the technique. And you know what? It worked! So I did a monochrome jug, practicing the technique. It actually looks better than the scan, as it has a lot of
depth. I was so pleased that it turned out decently, that I came home and started painting a series of bottles I had started drawing while on vacation. I am supposed to be studying transparency, and nothing is better than glass bottles for that. Here you see my sketch and the first two bottles, with no background yet, so you can see my progress. My teacher says I need to start buying canvass because paper just doesn't cut it. Just when I thought I had all the supplies I
needed! I find that she is always right on these things, but I surely hate to spend the money. The other gal that studies acrylic with me is over the top frustrated and ready to give up as well, so I know that acrylic is hard, and I want to stick with it a while until I can decide whether I like it or not. At this point I feel my favorite medium is definitely watercolor, but that could change. We'll see. I am still dreaming of arriving at the point where I can "create" instead of just copying.
And there you have it. Nothing exciting, but at least I am alive and kicking. (Well I should be kicking, but I am not. Maybe later this week I'll get back in my exercise routine).
And there you have it. Nothing exciting, but at least I am alive and kicking. (Well I should be kicking, but I am not. Maybe later this week I'll get back in my exercise routine).
PS: This painting stuff gets addictive. Tonight I did a bit more and here is the result. Remember, there is still alot to go, but will probably wait for class next week to get some hints as to how to proceed.
1 comment:
A minha estratégia é levar um livro mesmo. Senão, é de enlouquecer!!
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