Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Help me, I can’t help myself

Temptation is Kindle_2_-_Frontovercoming me. In fact, my whole problem really is I am not sure if it’s an opportunity or a temptation.  Those who know me, know that at least for my age I am a gadget geek. I love computers, mp3, digital cameras, etc. If it has blinking lights and something I can click on, I like it. Electronic books, however, never quite appealed to me. Unlike most people, however, I am not addicted to the smell, sound or feel of a book, but I do love reading a book. I like its portability. I like the possibility of being able to flip it open at random. I like being able to underline. I like being able to dog ear pages (yes, I know that’s a sacrilege to some folks) and also to be able to be open to two pages at once, glancing back at forth.

When Kindle was announced, I was skeptic. The more I began to “read”(what else would I do, being the reader I am?) on the subject, the interested I became. When we go on vacation we usually haul two boxes of books for our reading. In one small Kindle I could have 2000 books with me. When I have a hankering to read a book in English, I often have to wait 6 months or so, unless I have it shipped to me, paying an arm and leg and still having to wait a month. The very thought of wanting a book, ordering it online and having it in hand within minutes is very appealing to me. (I know that in Brazil I wouldn’t have access to the Whispernet, but I could download them my computer and then transfer them to the Kindle). I already have dozens of “free” books on my computer (classics that are in the public domain). I read them on my computer, but hauling around my laptop is not always so much fun. Everyone says the Kindle really feels like a book in your hand, and you can carry it so conveniently everywhere you go.

However, I resisted the price of $299. That’s a lot of money. You can buy a netbook for that much money. This week, however, the price of a refurbished Kindle 1 dropped to $149 and of a Kindle2 dropped to $219. That’s a pretty big price drop. From my research, I believe I really want a Kindle 2, mainly because the resolution is so much higher and some other features as well. So I put one in my shopping cart on Amazon. (I’ll be in the US in about a month, so I will have my purchase waiting for me when I get there.) My rule of thumb is always to wait 24 hours before closing a deal on Amazon, so that I avoid impulse buying.

So that’s my temptation. Do I spend that much money? Which, will lead, of course, to spending more money, for certainly I will buy more books! My dilemma really is if I am being a pawn in the hand of the merchandisers who have convinced me I need something I don’t really need, or if this will be a useful tool in my life. So “whattal” I do? While I am undecided, I will do nothing (and hopefully they won’t sell out of them – or maybe they will and that will settle the issue). What do you think?


Elly said...

Compra! Compra!
Ele lê pdf?
Eu ia gostar de um desses para ler as coisas no ônibus, mas acho que iam acabar me roubando, rsssss...
Melhor continuar nos livros convencionais!


Peggy Fonseca said...

Ele lê pdf sim. Aliás, é uma das razões pelas quais que quero um Kindle 2, porque ele "converte" os pdfs. Acho que também converte os arquivos .lit (microsoft reader - tenho muitos livros neste formato). Gostei do incentivo. Seu pai disse que só os "nãos" valem como resposta. Será que ele tem parentesco com Bernardo?