Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Where do I begin?

See what happens when you get behind?  You can’t get ahead. What I mean to say is that there is so much to write about, that you just don’t know where to start. So then you just don’t write at all. I have been struggling to figure out how to edit video on my video camera so I could show you some video of the children’s cantata. So far, no good. My new video cam record in .MOV files, which can be seen on my computer, but aren’t editable on a PC. Since the recording is less than pro, and very long, I wanted to just but a clip, but it looks like I’ll have to forego that option. I have spent many minutes (make that hours) trying to convert, download programs, upload video, etc. If I ever, ever figure it out, I’ll put on some clips of the cantata. Up til know it’s definitely a no-go. Time does DSCF0663slip away with these computer “fun and games”.

Last week was “American” Thanksgiving and our family celebrated here in Rio. As is our custom, we invited another couple to share with us and this year it was our youth minister and his wife. I worked hard all week getting ready for the dinner. I put up the Christmas tree and decorated it, pretty well finished my Christmas shopping and wrapping, plus did the marketing, grocery shopping and cooking. Since it’s been really, really hot, everything took a little longer. I have been in a veritable “swoon” since getting back from the US, trying to adjust to the tremendous heat. I have been blessed in that we really haven’t had any horrible heat waves in the 3 1/2 years since I’ve been back from Canada, so I guess it was about time. This year it has hit with a vengeance and in November, which is SO early. It would be like summer hitting you guys in North America in April. This is our 4th Thanksgiving in Rio, and it’s the first time it’s been hot. I am trying not to complain (well, at least not whine anyway) about the heat, but it has taken the “stuffing's” out of me. Even my husband has mentioned his feet and legs are swollen. One good thing is that no one has much appetite and we all drink lots of water and juice. I find even salad making hot work by the time I walk to the market, come home, wash and clean and chop and serve the fixings. To sum it up, I am not getting a lot done these days, as I am just not very ambitious, outliersbut accepting and adjusting my expectations accordingly, is half the battle.

I have been enjoying my Kindle. I was excited that they did an automatic upgrade and now it accepts PDF files, which means a lot of my books I had on my computer, can now be transferred and read on the Kindle. I am really enjoying the free bookThe betrayals that Amazon offers. Currently I am reading “Outliers” and just loving it. It’s a fascinating read about the “theory of success”.  In addition I am loving “The Betrayal” , a historical novel about John Calvin. I know many people hate “fictionalizing” history, but I happen to enjoy this genre if it’s well done, and this one is.  I have to discipline myself not to read too much these days. The way I love to read, that’s about all I’d do with the air conditioning turned on full finished (2)

I have also found a renewed joy in drawing. For some reason that desire seems to wax and wane with me. I’ve always heard people talk about doing things when the “spirit moves them” and that’s about how it is with drawing. I’ll do days or weeks with no urge and then I’ll get started and have a hard time quitting. I lose total and complete track of time. Yesterday was one such day, as I worked finishing the graphiteDaddy finished (2) studies on Mom and Dad for about 4-5 hours. I never “finish” anything, but I do eventually stop working on them by “fixing them”, spraying them with clear varnish. The object of a study is to work out problems so you can do a proper portrait later on. These were done on thin paper from a sketchbook, but now I am ready to go work on two other studies and do a larger, better copy of Mom and Dad. I was really pleased with their pictures. I think Mom is a better likeness of her, but Dad’s is more lifelike. I can just see Dad turning quickly to look at me in the portrait. I also love his dimple and his hair waves.

There have been other happenings, but that’s enough for one day, I think. I’ll keep working on the video editing program, and maybe someday I’ll be able to show you some video. Have a good week and stay cool. Or is that warm????

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