I have read stories of women who were highly insulted when they received pots and pans as a gift for Christmas or their birthday. Not me. Today my new stainless steel pans arrived and I was so excited! Christmas in April. New pots and pans and all shiny and pretty. I must not be right!
Still look at these brand new pans and tell me they are not beautiful. Just makes me want to cook something. (Now I know I am NOT right.)
In our current campaign to live more healthily, I finally made the decision to spend the money on some decent pans. Not top of the line by any means, but certainly not a cheap set. I have been using the aluminum set that I have had since arriving from Canada. I used to have stainless steel, but when we came from Canada, we couldn’t bring everything we owned and so we were given a nice set of aluminum pans. Still, with everything I have read about aluminum I have been uneasy about using them for quite some time now. I have researched and looked around until I found the best set for the money. This set seems perfect for me right now, with the steamer, and also the pan for heating milk or water. I don’t have very much cabinet space, so I can’t get a huge set of pans. I would like to have a nice stainless steel wok and good frying pan, but those can wait for now.
This afternoon I finally made it back to the gym, since my back and stomach have finally quit hurting from my stomach problem. On the way home, I began looking for some healthy alternatives for deodorant and shampoos – without aluminum, thimerosal, formaldehyde, tricolsan and parabens. I continue to be shocked at the reckless disregard for our health allowing the presence of substances that are more than proven to be toxic. Well, I’m not fanatic about this, but I would like to do what I can to eliminate at least some of the bad stuff. By the way it’s hard to find anything without these pesticides and chemicals. I will keep trying. In the meantime, I think I scrub down my new pans (with vinegar, of course) and tomorrow we’ll have something good to eat made in shiny new pans.
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