Monday, April 25, 2011

Born to Serve or to Be Served

Saturday morning I woke very early with a headache. One of those headaches that can last for days. They seem to be weather related. It was oppressively hot and sure enough when the HUGE rainstorm hit on Sunday evening, the headache went away as if by magic. Since these headaches seem to be related to the air pressure, there isn’t much I can do about them, except try not to move too fast, take  showers (there is a limit to how many showers the body can take in one day), keep a cold compress on my forehead, or just go back to bed.
I chose to go back to bed and try to sleep off some of the discomfort. Since Mia was crying for me and had already heard my voice, I knew there would be no peace until I let her into my bedroom. She jumped up on my bed, and for a few moments I had hopes she would turn out to be my “nurse” cat.
My cat Baby, was a fabulous nurse. Anytime  anyone was sick and quietly in bed, he would gently and softly creep up and lie beside you with one paw on you, or even lie on you softly purring. Even people he disliked would get this treatment. It was amazing how he knew when we were sick.
Sadik also had this gift, at least with me. When I didn’t feel well and would be in bed, he would stay quietly right beside me. He didn’t bother me and his purring and company always helped me to feel better.
So you can see I had precedence for hoping that Mia would also make a good nurse cat like Baby and Sadik. Well, as my headline says, some are born to serve and others to be served.
Mia_dormindo_sofaShe promptly jumped up on my chest and laid there purring. Ah-ha I thought. See, she really does care about me. Until she started kneading me with her needle sharp claws. I managed to get her stopped and then she began patting my mouth with her paws. Why? Who knows. I turned over on my side and she cuddled up against me. Ah… comfort at last. As she purred I went off to sleep. Obviously as I relaxed I quit petting her. That did not meet with her approval. She began meowing with her rusty hinge, ear-splitting meows. I petted her (thus, she gets served, not me). I relaxed and rested. She jumps over my semi-dead body and runs to the door. She stands expectantly and when I don’t jump to her bidding fast enough, she starts her caterwauling again.
I give up, get up and let her out. Of course once the door is shut, you know what happens. Mia is ALWAYS on the wrong side of the door. I put the pillow over my ears and put my dreams of a nurse cat to sleep. When I got up and short time later, there was Mia on the couch. Doing what? Sleeping quietly. Go figure.
I really get the Simon’s cat cartoons because of this. I think this one is my very favorite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was funny and very cat like.