Monday, May 30, 2011

What a Great Weekend!

It was just packed full of emotions. Saturday was the installation (induction) service of the ex-youth minister from ourposse de junior current church. He was assuming the full pastorate of our former church (where João pastored for 15 years before we went to Canada). João really didn’t have a hand in him being invited, other than the fact, he suggested his name, along with others, to preach in the church while they were without a pastor. It was a sad day and I mourned his loss for our church. We loved both he and his wife so much and our team was just perfectly complete. On the other hand, I had to be joyful for him, as we did sense his strong calling to be a full time pastor. Plus we still love Cascadura so much, we wanted the best for them and they have suffered through the last two pastorates.  The worship service was wonderful, with João preaching a very exhortative sermon about churches caring for their pastors. Afterwards, there was a reception, of course and I think it’s been a long time since I’ve given and gotten so many hugs. There were tons of people there from our current church and of course I knew most everyone from Cascadura. When we got in around midnight, we were very tired puppies.

Sunday morning the Campbellsville University Chorale helped lead in worship. Their conductor is 632231-Chorale Pic Spring 2011 (2)a Brazilian, as were several members. They performed 9 pieces, all executed beautifully. My ears were very pleased with all they heard. In order to facilitate their participation in the worship, we prepared a bulletin in English and I translated the sermon. I am out of practice and so at first I was rather stiff, but then both João and I freed ourselves. The congregational singing was so enthusiastic, and the scripture readings all dovetailed to make an exciting and moving worship service. We had lunch at the church with the choir, and enjoyed meeting some of the faculty members and talking to the young people.

We had time to get in some rest and turn around and go back to hear some interesting missionaries before worship. Our home mission board started a ministry in São Paulo in a downtown part of the city called “Crack-o-land”. In other words, it is the area where crack is sold and bought and smoked. The missionaries have had amazing success and are doing a good work. A group of former crack users and other young people are here in training in Rio to begin the same ministry here, not far from our church. During our evening worship, they sang and shared as well. It is amazing to look at those lives and see how far they have come, all by God’s grace. It truly was amazing. After worship, our young adult choir had soup and sandwiches and desserts, so we enjoyed a nice time of fellowship.

It was all grand and I really was quite “full” by Sunday night. I am tired on this Monday morning, but a good tired. Fulfilled and tired. I love weekends like this.


Anonymous said...

Isn't that the young couple to whose engagement party I was invited (and went to) in February '10 while I was in Rio? If so, they ARE a lovely couple! I'm glad that they are now launched into a pastorate. May the Lord be with them and their congregation!


Peggy Fonseca said...

Denny, this couple was at the engagement party and you sat next to them. The couple who got engaged serve as our children's minister.