Santo. Sebastião and his wife, Rosali, were missionaries in South Africa, so now that they are back in Brazil, we try to get together when they are in Rio. We all have a lot in common and enjoy our visits. And in this photo you can see why I don't really consider myself all that short here in Brazil! I love being around people who make me feel a normal sized person.
I just discovered a new feature on blogger and since I love "new" things, I thought I'd try it out, in one more "desperate" attempt to get some feedback. Some of my readers (like you Donna - hey thanks) comment on the blog and some others send e-mails (thanks Carol and Marilois), but I know most people, for many reasons don't comment. I understand. I am a regular reader of several blogs and I myself never make a comment. Now, however, at the end of each entry is a place where you can check off your opinion of that particiular piece. It is anonymous and easy. Just click on the box that describes your reaction to what you have read. You'll notice I don't give you a chance to say anything unkind - I'm not that brave, but you do get to opine about whether you found it only ho-hum, somewhat interesting, or WOW! Try it out sometime. It won't hurt and it make help me as I decide what to include on my blog.
Peggy ! remember that walking video you talked about, I got it on ebay and did my first mile today. Since its winter here this will come in handy. My weight loss continues and excersize is the hardest part for me to find time thanks for the hint. D
That is great, Donna. Let me know what you think about it. My friends here in Brazil are really enjoying it as well. I have several and do a different routine on the 2 or 3 times a week that I do them. I do them on the days I don't do aqua fitness. Surely makes you sweat!!!
Hi Peggy!
I do not know you although I have seen you once at the church.
I have both parents as members of the First Baptist Chuch in Rio and my Mom was the one to introduce me to your blog.
I read that you become a bit curious about who is reading it and since I am a bit curious myself I thought it would be nice to introduce myself to you. My name is Leticia, I am 40 years old and yours is the second blog I currently read whenever I have a chance.
Thanks for that feedback on who is reading my blog, Leticia. I appreciate it. Introduce yourself to me at church sometime! Abraços, Peggy
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