I am almost too tired to post, but have only 7 more minutes until Thanksgiving is over and I wanted to say how grateful I am! God has given me so many blessings this year. It has been a wonderful year and I am full to overflowing with gratitude. Today we celebrated Thanksgiving at my house with our family and one other family as well (our minister of music). I worked really hard preparing the food (all from scratch) and decorating the house as well. It was so worth the effort. We

had lots of food and lots of visiting and a very nice worship time at the end. I enjoyed it all. It was nice to have children present, something I missed last year. Mia made her presence known passing under and around our feet and knees. She loved the c

hildren and adored all the cuddling and attention. So she too had a great Thanksgiving. I have so many blessings, that I would never finish this entry if I were to count them all. Tomorrow I will try to write about some of those blessings. For tonight it is a big thank-you, to the readers of my blog. Most of all it is thank you to God Eternal for my life and salvation. Happy Thanksgiving.
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