João thought it was hysterical to see me sitting in the corner like I had been a bad girl, so he had to snap this photo on his cell phone. It is kind of funny. I am all dressed up with my work out clothes. I haven’t worked out for months (make that capital letter in bold MONTHS). I have lots of excuses, some even legit. By last Saturday, however, I realized that for the first time since Christmas, I was feeling normal. I still have a little trouble hearing, but no more pain and or tiredness or general yuckiness. I am trying to make an appt. to see one of the best ENT docs in Rio, but you know how that goes… only in April. I still may go ahead and schedule, since they tell me he works hard on prevention and immunity boosting, which I could really use.
On the subject of immunity boosting, that is what motivated me to try hitting the gym again, since exercise does have that benefit. Due to the fact that we are in a monster heat wave, I had to find a new place to exercise. (It’s been over 100 degrees for about a month now, with no relief or rain in sight.) My gym has no air conditioning and I ask you, do you possibly think I could work out where it must be around 120 degrees???? I can’t even breathe at that temp. So, I bit the bullet and signed up at a MUCH (try double the price) more expensive place. Today was my session with the “personal trainer” (chic, eh?) and we did my evaluation and went over my program. That was two hours very well spent and I am excited about the place that is clean, bright, cold and has great equipment. I will even have nutrition counseling and close supervision on the equipment, or so they say. I have to go 45 days, 3x a week minimum, but if I don’t meet the goals, I get my money back. The only draw back is that it is 10-15 minute walk there, but I figure that is my warm up. The advantage is that I have to walk past all the commerce on the way, so as I come home I can pick up bread , or groceries or fruits, or juice, etc. The gym is in a little gallery that has my favorite shoe store. I drool over the leather purses (a mere R$400) and shoes. This could get expensive. hahahaha. I made up a new rule, though. No new shoes until I lose at least 2 cm. off the waist. Incentive.
I am currently reading a book that is scaring the beejeebers out of me. In “Master your Metabolism”, Jillian Michaels is writing about how to normalize your hormones. As I am reading, more and more things are clicking about some of my long term health issues. Some things are small, others are huge for me. I know people have been talking about plastic and its danger for years, but I never paid attention. Trust me, she has my attention on this subject. Soon I will be doing serious throwing out and kitchen reorganization. Man, on man, we really are poisoning ourselves with how we live nowadays. I have already gone back to eating more whole grains (I fall off the wagon now and then, but I am back on right now).
Upon my sister’s recommendation, I watched the movie “Julie and Julia” today, the first movie I’ve seen for a while. I LOVED it. If you are looking for something fun and light (but not fluffy and stupid), I recommend it. I love the story of Julia Child’s life. I related to Julie’s struggle as a writer and how her blog really caught on and gave her direction. I’m so glad I had some real entertainment that did just that: entertained.
I looking forward to starting a new book, just published, for pastor’s wives. I have a link for it at the top of my page. Isn’t that title, “You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes” , great? I never suffered from the illusion that I had to wear grandma shoes, play the piano and have my hair in a bun, but lots of women do. Sunday morning our Children’s Pastor was installed (what a great service), and I took a gift to his fiancé. It is a book for pastor’s wives. I shared that it really is a special calling and how much I love it. I realized recently, that all my “new” friends are pastor wives and that in the last few weeks I have spent many hours sharing, talking, and helping some of them. Whether I should share this or not, I will… I am praying and thinking of how I can make this more “official”. How can I help pastor’s wives? What can I do? I am an idea person, not a mover and shaker. I am leaning toward a devotional book and have even done an outline. But first, I simply must get moving on writing the Vacation Bible School that is due next month and has not one chapter done. ARGH. Oh, for discipline.
I am going to hit the sack early, for tomorrow I have a stretching class at 8AM and then will do the treadmill for 20-30 min. Fun, fun, fun.
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