I am feeling very guilty right now. Miss Mia has had chronic eye problems since she’s been with me. One vet gave me antibiotic drops that did help her at the time. This week, however, things got really bad and it was obvious that she was having trouble seeing, so I took her to a different clinic and boy was I impressed. The exam was more thorough than anything I’ve ever had. I came out with a ream of papers for her to have blood tests, ultrasound, echocardiogram, and urine and feces exams. In addition, I had to return later in the day for a special consult with a feline ophthalmologist. I never even knew such a specialty existed! The diagnosis is severe corneal ulcers on both eyes. Fortunately it is treatable, although it may take some time. She has four meds that I have to put in her eyes at very frequent intervals. I have done it one time and it wasn’t too bad. But then, right now she is severely depressed. They put an awful e-collar on her and she just hates it. She won’t even move and has peed all over us both and had to have a bath. Of course, she loved that as well. She is on a hunger strike, but I can understand that after 4 hours at the vets office and all these meds. If I had gotten her to the vet earlier, she would not have had to suffer so much. So that’s why I feel guilty. In addition, while at the vet with her, Sissy also had to go to the doctor with a terrible sinus infection. I feel badly I was wrapped up with the cat, while she was feeling so badly as well. She is basically taking the same treatment I had for same thing. I hope she gets better faster than I did. But then, she’s not a procrastinator and didn’t wait 4 weeks to see a doctor!
On an up note, we continue to enjoy the presence of Denny, our Canadian friend. We went out to lunch near Sugar Loaf the other day and you can see how beautiful our city really is. I am enjoying seeing our city through the eyes of an “outsider”. I am sorry it’s been so hot while he’s been here, but we don’t control the weather.
On another good note, I continue to be active at my gym and seem to finally be making progress, now in my 3rd week. Everything seems easier. Of course I still have lots of aches and pains, but guess I always will.
I am now on to another book and it’s called “The Swan Thieves”. It’s actually an audio book, and I only allow myself to listen when I am at the gym or waiting for an appointment. It’s a great story about a psychiatrist treating an artist obsessed with impressionist art. I am loving it. It’s so wonderful to be able to enjoy reading. And along those lines, my husband has discovered a new “passion”: SUDOKU! It’s on his cell phone and he has fallen in love with the game, much to our surprise. I guess you just never know. What are you enjoying these days?
1 comment:
I have wandered here from the preacher's wife. I noticed your post on the book discussion and thought I would pop in to say Hi. My husband and I very seriously prayed through the possibility of moving to Brazil to work in one of the seminaries there. I have been to Rio once, and he has been to Brazil for times. He always talks about Brazil, and day dreams of it often. In fact he went to Peru recently and compared it to Brazil the entire time. Any who... I guess I've said hi. See you around
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