Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Come and sit for a spell

Do you have a hankering to read a good book? Then come and join us at our humble abode! As you can see from the photo, João was able to get our books organized. That was a task of pure joy for him. There are more books - in particular my books on Religious Education - on the closet shelves in the study. Actually it is not a closet as much as built in shelves behind a door. Since we don't keep clothes in here, we are using the drawers and shelves for tapes, papers, files and books. Keeps the mess out of sight. It was a jubilous day when the last book went on the shelf and João could sit down and read some of his old "friends". I too was quite happy to see my friends and enjoyed a good read as well. Right this minute I am writing you from my desk, that you see on the photo to the right.
João stretched out on the couch, but I chose our bedroom. I think that's one room you haven't visited yet and maybe you'd like to recline and enjoy a nice nap or a good book on our very comfy mattress. Come on in...
Lately I´ve been thinking about "sleep" a great deal. Eternal sleep, that is! João led in 3 funerals last week and there were two others that time did not permit. In addition a dear friend in the US lost her husband. I have been struck with how very fragile our life is. We really are a vapour or mere smoke. Our time here is so short (even if it is 100 years that is just a blink of an eye in the grande scheme of things). I have been striving to live with no regrets and no remorse. That means small and large changes. Mostly it means not putting off telling people how much they mean to me. It means always leaving my husband with a kiss and words of love. It means doing what I really need and want to do and not doing what everyone else thinks I ought to do. It means being happy with what I have and not regretting what I don't have. If I sleep soon, then all will be okay. And if I don't, then I will have even more fun!