Thursday, March 23, 2006

Good Night Ladies

Tonight I went out the Korean Gardens Restaurant with a group of friends. We had such a good time cooking our own food. The Bulgogee was just as good as I remembered it from Korea. We had such a riot trying out the kimchee (made a hit, but definitely not as hot as I remembered it!), cooking our beef and chicken and just generally checking out new and different food. Also was fun for some of the group learning how to use chopsticks.
Afterwards we went downtown to a dessert place where we chose to indulge. Well it wasn't too bad...We were all rather full anyway. It was a great way to end a very hectic and busy day for me.
Tomorrow the movers carry off our books. Then in the evening I'll be having a Lebanese meal with a neighbour. Saturday I have three commitments. Then Sunday will be our last Sunday here. Monday we hope to pack up and leave on Tuesday. So we are in the deep dark throes of doing everything for the last time. It gets a little wacky and difficult. I am so glad to have ONE who sustains me through it all.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to do another entry any time soon. But until then, Good-Night and Good Luck.

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Good-Bye Girl

My life, in many ways, has been a series of hellos and good-byes. The hellos are fun. The good-byes not so much. Today was a big good-bye. My wonderful friends from Toronto spent the week with us and today they went home and we had to say good-bye to this very special family. That was hard. But they were able to carry a little piece of us with them. Not only in their hearts, but in their car. They took Sadik with them back to Toronto. There are no photos of this good-bye. Too hard. Too sad. A moment not to be remembered for me. I am glad, however, to share the joy of this cat that came as a gift from God for me when I was struggling with saying good-bye to Brazil. Now he is a gift for them.
The night before he left I caught Sadik looking out the window as he so loved to do and snapped a photo of him. Yesterday he spent the day close to me and on my lap most of the day, almost like he knew something was up. He didn't, of course, but I did and certainly he picked up on my emotions.
I love this picture because it's such a great good-bye picture - looking at him happy and with his back turned to me. That's the way I want him to be - turning to the new family and away from me. Ultimately that's what I want for my friends too. That's a hard thing to want.
So here we look at Sadik for the last time. Say good-bye to my friend.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Don't you love to have a good time? I am certainly no long suffering miserable Christian. Fun is with me! Tonight 7 women from our church went out to see the gospel musical "Crowns". We sang and clapped our hands and hooted and hollered and laughed. We had so much fun. It was, in a nutshell, about the African-American women and their hats. Made me want to run right out and buy one. I liked the idea of their tradition and of holding on to that to help them to find themselves. Sometimes I think I have missed something by not having those kinds of roots (not physical as much as emotional). But even richer and deeper than wearing a head covering is knowing that my life is covered by the blood of Jesus. Really! He holds me and saves me and loves me. And that also was a part of the story of the play. I think the whole story of redemption is what made the play so joyful. As I last mentioned, it has been so good to have these fun events to mark my last days here. What might have been plodding and difficult has become fun. I have prayed about a vision/mission for our new church in Rio. I feel that what I have to share is JOY! I do have joy, joy, joy down in my heart!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Another Day, Another Good-Bye

Today was the last day for the Bible Study I've been involved in with the Pastor's Wives here in Ottawa. Aren't we a handsome group at the left? This was a short, 7 week, study of the book " When Godly People Do Ungodly Things", by Beth Moore. I found we began to open up more and more during the study. It was so special to be able to share with a group who can "understand" where I am in life. After the study today, we got together for lunch and sat around and shared some about the life of being a ministry wife. So I was gone from 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Now that's making a day of it! The group gave me a nice gift and a loving farewell. I've appreciated their support as they have shared in my struggles, from the beginning of the big changes in my life. So they are my new friends (since September) to whom I said good-bye today. I love the card they gave me that said " Good-Byes Mean a Big Hello to all that's new - but that still doesn't mean it's easy!" Truer words never uttered.
I probably won't be writing much (as you've noticed) because I feel a little overwhelmed by life right now. Too much to do to live in the future. The past is definitely over. And the present seems so big... isn't it great that my God is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BIG.
It's interesting, but it seems like between now and leaving (in 3 weeks!), there is something special happening every week. I sort of need that to give me something to look forward to. Last week João and I went to the symphony (Russian music) thanks to tickets from a friend. And next week I'll be going to see the play "Crowns". Life is good. Sad sometimes, but good all the time.