Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Having it My Way


While I think I am a complex person (which can be good or bad), I occasionally hear that I am such a “simple” person (in Portuguese, not English. I am fully aware that simple, in English means dumb). I interpret that to mean that it doesn’t take much to make me happy. In a way, it’s also not all that easy to make me happy. But if you put the right ingredients together, then no, it’s not all that hard to please me. I don’t care about expensive or fancy stuff, but I sure do like having things “my” way.

I wrote on Facebook, that I loved my birthday this year because it was all about me. That is really terrible, that I enjoyed so immensely having everything go just right. Still I confess, I felt so good at the end of the evening. Why did I enjoy it so much? I wondered about that last night, as I was drifting off to sleep. At the risk of revealing more about me than maybe I shouldDSCF1024, I think I have it figured out!

Mostly because I got to do what I wanted to do. I love getting my own way. So I slept until I woke up. I made what I wanted to eat for breakfast. I went to the gym and worked out at my own pace and felt good about it. I even watched “Castle” that I had been able to download to my mp3. When I got home, my husband gave me this hanging basket of Petunias. He picked it out and lugged it home just for me.

Then my hubby let me chose where to go to lunch. I dressed up in the new dress that he also gave me for my birthday. (I loved the dress and you can see it in the photo). We went to Outback which is extravagantly expensive, at least here in Brazil, where I ate what I had been craving and even got a free hot fudge Sundae (which we split). Then in the afternoon I had time to go to my art class. I enjoyed being with the folks thereDSCF1027 and just painting away the afternoon. (And yes, I got Galileu’s ear just right and am growing close to finishing the painting).

When I got in from class, Elly and Bernardo had arrived and we went out for all you can eat pizza. Oh man, that was a groaner since I’d had a good lunch. But I dug in and really enjoyed the pizza. It was so good. We went back to their apt. where they gave me my present, a gorgeous pair of sandals (aren’t they handsome on my feet?). We came home and I listened to the lovely messages on my answering machine and read about a 100 messages on Facebook and Orkut. (And I finally got to hug Sissy, who because of her schedule was unable to join us for lunch or supper).

It was just up my alley. People showed they cared about me and made me feel special, but I didn’t have to deal with multitudes, loudness or schedules. I got to chose the places I went and what I did. It was relaxed.No expectations from me and I got to be just plain old me. I ate really good food. I got presents I enjoyed and will continue enjoying for a long time. So there you go. I am a selfish creature. I like what I like and those things make me happy. Make me feel special and I’ll purr like a kitty. I’m still purring, even today!

1 comment:

Elly said...

Petunias!! Menos mal que descobrimos o nome correto, né?? rsss
