Monday, April 11, 2005

Spring has done sprung

It looks like Spring is here in Ottawa. We are so thrilled. It's warmed up nicely and for the first time in our four years here, we really feel like we are having a real spring - a gradual warming. It's bright and sunny and we just love it. Little green things are poking up out of the ground. The day Sissy arrived, my mini-crocus appeared (white). Then over the weekend the purple ones came up. That's a sure sign of spring to me. Isn't she lovely?

We had a great weekend, enjoying the terrific weather. Sissy and her father went out biking on Saturday. She and I biked to a birthday party on Sunday. We did have to stop a few times, due to our very serious crisis - we couldn't stop laughing, making it hard to breathe and ride the bike.
We are SO enjoying having her here. She started classes on Friday and we were pleased that she has a native speaker as a teacher (a Canadian). She took a placement test and placed in the Beginner 3 level - together with people who have been in the country a long time. It's a challenge for her, but she'll do fine. Everyone wanted to talk with her on Sunday and it was a little overwhelming, but that's just what she needs. We are trying to speak English at lunchtime at least.
All else is going well in our corner of the world. Hope yours is too.

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