Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Come on in and visit with us

I don't suppose I even need to comment that I remain busy getting things normalized in our home. Thus, no time for my blog. I keep meaning to add something here and there, but somehow as my friend says "the day just takes me away". There is much to do just to settle into a new home. Imagine an empty one. Now imagine all the government red tape to resettle into a country. Even to open a bank account it's been hard, not to say impossible. We got word today, however, our financial situation has been "regularized" and we can now open a bank account. Yipee. That will facilitate life here a lot. And I was also able to access my "unemployment" insurance that had been waiting for me since 2004! That was another victory. In addition I have been able to put the house bills in our name and get internet installed and cable TV working. In between I have shopped for furniture and arranged to have drapes installed. I do lots of walking, which is so good for my health, but means things take a little longer. I have a grocery store that´s fairly close and it delivers my groceries, which is nice when I buy cases of things like milk and toilet paper, etc. In fact everything is convenient to where we live. I really do love the location.
What I really wanted to do was to invite you for a short visit to part of my new home. Remember, I still have furniture to buy and drapes to be installed, but at least we can have a virtual visit to some of my home. So step into the front door, just off the elevator. (Photo to the left). This is what you will see first. Now you understand when I say the apt. is large. Look at that window! It's huge. The room will look so much better when the drapes are installed. Now let's take a look at the dining area - this photo taken from the left corner of the room, just under the air conditioner. (photo to the right) There are controversies about the accent wall. I just love it, but João isn't crazy about it. When I get some artwork on the wall, I think it will look better. I really like the new sofas, which are not white at all, as I think you will see in the third photo (on the left).
Now we will take a little peek at the kitchen, which is to the left of the living room, as you enter the apt. Aren't the painted tiles above the sink just great? By the way, behind the door is my famous refrigerator. By the way, the doors you see on the left are the maids quarters (two rooms and a bathroom) - not that I have a maid or anything. But they are great for storage, etc. Now walk down the middle of the kitchen (as you can see it is long and narrow) about to the sink and then turn back and look at my kitchen table and chairs. Isn´t the cutest thing? I think it's my favourite thing I've adquired so far. I just love it.
Now we will walk down the hallway and visit a couple more rooms, One room is totally empty, so we'll skip it. The study/office is a mess right now, so we will walk past it as well. I can show you the guest bedroom/TV room. I love it's brightness. The curtains are going to be the same shade as the couch (which is two twin beds).
We will also skip my bedroom, as it's hard to get an angle on it to take a photo at night. But for your entertainment I want to show you my guest bathroom - also hard to photograph (on the right). But I wanted you to see the clear glass blocks that form the shower stall. It is the lightest room in the house. Everything is pure white. In contrast, my bathroom is all in tones of brown! Maybe you can see through the clear glass doors the size of my marble bathtub. I think I could swim in there. Takes forever to fill it. But I love my bathtub.
Hope you've enjoyed our little visit. In the near future I hope to show you how much better things look with some more furniture. But everything in it's own time.
That's my motto these days. That and patience, patience, patience. Hope you come and we can have a real visit on my sofa.


Anonymous said...

Nossa, foi muito legal "visitar" o apartamento. Está ficando lindo.
Eu amei a cor da sala de jantar. Tenho cor semelhante no lavabo do meu apto e também não foi muito bem aceita pelo meu marido. Daí, toda vez que eu tenho oportunidade, eu mostro (num restaurante, escritório, etc) que a cor está na moda e outros também a usam (hahah)Parabéns por todo o esforço.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Peggy, for up-dating your blog! It is so good to hear from you. I vote for the red dining room! It looks great! Summer has arrived in Ottawa; it is HOT and humid. Missing you.....Anne L.