Monday, June 18, 2007

Really a blast from the past

Today we will be heading home to spend our last few days of vacation time catching up at home. In the last week here, however, we were able to visit almost all of my aunts and uncles, as well as visit the graves of my ancestors in Spencer County, Indiana. In preparation for the visit, as well in conjunction with the geneology work of my mother's cousin, I got working on to look up some names and dates of my mother's relatives. One thing led to another, and very soon I was totally hooked. I suddenly became a geneology junkie, staying up until 3AM, researching the family on both sides. Amazingly, the sides of the family we knew the least about were the ones easiest ones to get information on. I discovered our family goes way back in the history of the US - obviously among some of the first settlers, arriving int he 1600's in some cases. Our origins, on both sides, seem limited to Welsh, Irish and English - not diverging from the family stories. On some sides I only go back to about 1800, but on other lines I've gotten back to the 1400, 1500 and 1600's. It's a fascinating study on who we are. I know I have just touched the very surface, but I am so overwhelmed.
Considering that our family goes back to the earliest pioneer days of Spencer Co., it's not surprising to discover Mom and Dad have at least one common ancestor (if not two). It's been an interesting journey to say the least. It made me realize how much we "move-abouts" have lost. As I listened to Mom and my aunts and uncles talk, I thought about the 200 years all of these families lived on the farms on Indiana (even my married relatives have a long histories in the area). Now there is no one left in Spencer Co. and no more ties to the past. My cousins are all over the US. On this trip I saw a cousin I hadn't seen in almost 40 years and felt so strange as we talked about my counsin's grandchildren. I can't describe the sensation of being linked and yet cut off at the very same time.
After all of my very fine adventures, now it's time to return to the present. I have to say good-bye to my loved ones here and move on to my loved ones there. I'll miss my mom and sisters. As a friend told me one time, the only moments in which you are truly happy are on the airplane there - because you are anticipating seeing those you love. So off I go to leave and to see those I love.

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