Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Back to the past

Bet you thought I had forgotten how to blog! Of course, you know how vacations are - not inducive to sitting down and writing things on the computer. This past week we were in Canada, reliving our past. As someone said, it was almost like we had never left. At the left we are in front on our old house (which the new family has done wonders with), with our host family. Sunday João preached at the bilingual services and I was able to do the children's message. It really felt like old times.
It was a great feeling to see everyone again. Being able to fly in gave us a little more time (and energy) in Ottawa.
It was not only a delight to see old friends, it was terrific to make new friends as we met the new pastor of Eastview. We were so pleased to see how God had answered our prayers through this wonderfully dynamic family.
I know we gained a lot of weight, as we ate out almost every meal to meet with friends - breakfast, lunch and supper. Here we are (at left) at a breakfast date. I wish we had had more time to see people, but actually it was just about the right amount of time! Didn't want to wear out our welcome.
Our hosts, Sidney and Roberta, just opened up their home and made us feel like part of the family. One interesting thing is that it was the first time we have stayed with a family that has a dog and it helped me, at least, to learn something about how it is to live with a dog in an apartment. Of course, it helped that Pompeu was such a good dog.
We even enjoyed a Brazilian-style cook-out (churrasco) with some nice Canadian summer weather (although some days later the temp dropped to about 10 (45F)degrees and we almost froze to death.
When our plane circled over Ottawa, as we arrived, I was moved to tears by a vast wave of homesickness. As our visit went on, however, I came to a gradual sense of gain and not loss! That is to say, I was grateful for the five years in Ottawa and for so many wonderful friends (although I didn't get see or call all of them) and grateful for all the good memories. I realized, however, that all of our lives have moved on and that really is a good thing. I think I will be a better Brazilian because of this visit. It was an important time to look back so I can look forward with more joy. It was a visit of joy and not of sadness. Thank you, Lord, for a life well-lived.


Unknown said...

Só para dizer q passei por aqui para te ver.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a wonderful trip...guess I will have to come to Brazil to see you. : )
You never know what God has in store for us. Love to you. D