Saturday, August 11, 2007

Maybe, just maybe

I just might be getting a cat. In a few minutes we will be visiting a cattery to see the possibility of adopting two retired breeders. The one to the left is a male persian, named Gold. To the right is a female British Shorthair. Both are adults and the breeder feels they need more attention than she can give them. I am keeping my fingers crossed that all is well and healthy and I will like one of them. If I do, then she will have the one I choose, castrated and then in a couple of weeks he or she will come to live with me. Sissy and João already are voting for the Persian. Me, I like the shorthair, for obvious reasons. But their personalities will determine things. I will keep you posted and let you know which one I chose. By the way, I really wanted a ragdoll, but the price was in the thousands! So these being adult cats, I only have to pay for the spaying or neutering, which helps! So let's hope for the best.
P.S. I am writing this some hours later. As we were driving across town to see the cats, Sissy called and had locked herself out. So we drove home to let her in, since she would have had to wait several hours otherwise. Then it was too late to drive back across town. As it turns out, the breeder had a crisis with a kitten and had to rush to the vet anyway, so today was not to be. We will set up for another day really soon.


Anonymous said...

I keep checking in to see if you got your kitty.....and if you chose one of those pictured, they are both sweet.I have had several beautiful black cats but always male.Cannot wait to see what you choose!!

Peggy Fonseca said...

We couldn't get back to see the cats until this coming Friday. Will let you know then.

Marilene Ferreira said...

Que decisão difícil! É branco ou preto. Macho ou fêmea! Tenha uma idéia para seu impasse: fique com os dois! Quem sabe depois vc não acaba ganhando um cinza, para lembrar a Princesa? hahahha... Bom, eu escolheria o Gold, como João e Sissy. Mas se vc escolher a Shorthair, ficarei feliz tb. É que tem um gato preto aqui no prédio, lembra q contei pra vc? Ele ou fica rondando a portaria do prédio ou fica "hospedado" no 601. Então, ele passará a ser o clone do Shorthair.
Boa sorte na escolha!