Thursday, February 05, 2009



I didn’t abandon you, but for two days I was kind of punk, with a fever. It has been really hot here in Rio, but my fever was from the inside not outside. I don’t know what it was, but I was miserable on Monday and recovering on Tuesday, and fine on Wednesday. One of those 24 hour virus’, I guess. It surely laid me low, as I didn’t even feel like lifting my head to drink water. My two favorite nurses took care of me. Mia stayed by my side for 8 hours straight and João waited on me hand and foot.

Today, Thursday, I took some time to work on my copy of Degas’ “Green DDSCF0001 (2)ancers”. It’s one of my favorites (which is saying something since I love most all of his work) and thought it would be interesting to see if I could reproduce a pastel. Well it’s been fun, but the short answer is that I can’t reproduce someone else’s art. I can imitate or make my own version of his work. I seem unable to bend my will to someone else, and I just have to interpret things my way.

I can tell you it is hot under that mask when it’s over 90 degrees, but it does cut down on the coughing and breathing difficulties. There comes a time, however, when I just have to take it off. It has been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hot. Even I, of the unlimited appetite, just don’t feel like eating. Yesterday I cooked a full lunch, but I ignored most of it to eat salad and fruit. I see the midwest caught up in snow and ice and I am not sure if I should feel sorry for them or envy them. Ah the ambivalence!

While I was drawing (or is the correct term painting) with the pastels today, João videoed me and I have put in the video link to you tube if you want to see the video. Thought you might want to see some live action.

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