Monday, October 25, 2004

Computer woes

We all know that our computers are a blessing in our lives, except when they break down. For some time mine has been a pain in the neck. It had gotten slow, programs and drivers disappeared and I spent half my time repairing stuff. Then I discovered my hard drive was "terminally ill". Rather than spend a fortune on a new computer, I decided to buy a new hard drive. When I read the instructions on installation, I decided I was in over my head. So I asked Sidney, from our church to help. Read, do it for me! He came over for lunch on Sunday and then installed the hard drive. Didn't look the least bit easy to me! Although I had made back ups of everything, most of the programs had to be reinstalled and a few even re-downloaded and updated from the internet. That is time-consuming and sometimes frustrating. Because I'm obssesed or neurotic, I'm not sure which, I wanted it DONE now. Consequently, I stayed up all night working on it. At 5:00 I couldn't function too well, so I slept for a few hours. Now I'm back at it. I'm happy to report most everything is up and running. I still am struggling to recover my e-mails. They are there on the old drive, but so far I haven't had too much luck opening them. I can't believe how much quicker the whole computer runs now. As they always say, all's well that ends well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peggy, I know how these computer woes are. My computer is getting slower and slower and doing crazy things. What's worse is I just had a new hard drive put in back in February. I'm hoping for an upgrade exchange for Christmas. We'll see; I'd be lost without my computer!!! Love ya, Sue/Alabama