Friday, September 23, 2005

A Journey of 10000 steps

Today the three of us went to the Gatineau Hills to check out the hiking trail. Tomorrow, on Saturday, we are taking a group up to walk, to kick off our month of "walking" at the church. It's something new we are going to try. We've got pedometres and our goal is to make at least 10,000 steps a day. He who walks the most, will win the contest. I think it will be interesting to see how we really do. So on our walk today we did over 8000 steps. So in the evening I am sitting at 11, 377 steps. Pretty good for an old lady, eh? Well Nora, Sandy and I had lots of fun our hike. We didn't hit all the side trails or anything, but it wasn't a hard hike at all. A nice young man offered to take our photo at the high point. It was all downhill after this. Those who are going on the hike tomorrow are looking forward to it. From quilting last weekend to hiking this weekend. We are a unique group, aren't we? Tomorrow I am looking forward to really looking around. I decided today that João and I need to go up to the park weekly and walk or hike. It's just nice to get away out of the city. Next year I want to be sure to do this in the spring when the wild flowers are at their peak. God's world is truly beautiful and I am glad I have eyes to see and health to appreciate it.

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