Friday, February 10, 2006

So Happy Together

As a treat for Valentine's Day, João and I decided to have our portrait taken together. It was fun to get dressed up and go out together. The photo at the left is a "reject", but I sorta liked the way we were looking at one another. We really are happy together after 13 years. It is a joy to share one another's company.
Before the photo shoot I went to the hair dresser and decided to return my hair closer to it's natural colour. João almost didn't recognize me. I've had it light for so long, he forgot how dark my hair really is! But it's fun to change now and then. There are still some red highlights, as the old highlights are still there under the overall colour. I think you can see in the photos how dark it is now. My big decision was whether to cut or leave it medium length. I opted to let it longer and be able to tie it back. I'll decide when I get to Brazil if I really need to cut it or not. I got some hot rollers and can go really curly if I want, as the tendency in the heat there is for my hair to go curly anyway. With everything I have to do, you wouldn't think I'd have time to obsess about my hair, right? Guess that's better than obsessing about everything else? Seems like all my time is taken up by wrapping and packing. I've decided I need to buy bubble wrap in super bulk packages. I've got everything wrapped in that stuff. Fun, fun, fun!

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