Saturday, January 28, 2006


I am just back from a really fun weekend. I went to Tucker House with the Bilberry Creek women's group. On Friday night we had a "nighty-night" party. We got in touch with our "inner" child. We played games and ate ice-cream Sundaes. Really suffered, didn't we? And the weather was just great. It was warm and sunny. So nice, it felt like springtime.
When I got home on Saturday afternoon, João greeted me with the terrific news that Sissy passed her vestibular (entrance exam to the university) for the Federal University in Rio, in the area of Speech Pathology. Isn't that terrific news? Seems like just a perfect weekend! Hope yours was as good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you had a good time at retreat but where did you get those pictures????? LOL. Thanks for being with us and delivering a great message about Esther. It was definately food for thought. God Bless. Donna