Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Another Day, Another Good-Bye

Today was the last day for the Bible Study I've been involved in with the Pastor's Wives here in Ottawa. Aren't we a handsome group at the left? This was a short, 7 week, study of the book " When Godly People Do Ungodly Things", by Beth Moore. I found we began to open up more and more during the study. It was so special to be able to share with a group who can "understand" where I am in life. After the study today, we got together for lunch and sat around and shared some about the life of being a ministry wife. So I was gone from 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM. Now that's making a day of it! The group gave me a nice gift and a loving farewell. I've appreciated their support as they have shared in my struggles, from the beginning of the big changes in my life. So they are my new friends (since September) to whom I said good-bye today. I love the card they gave me that said " Good-Byes Mean a Big Hello to all that's new - but that still doesn't mean it's easy!" Truer words never uttered.
I probably won't be writing much (as you've noticed) because I feel a little overwhelmed by life right now. Too much to do to live in the future. The past is definitely over. And the present seems so big... isn't it great that my God is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BIG.
It's interesting, but it seems like between now and leaving (in 3 weeks!), there is something special happening every week. I sort of need that to give me something to look forward to. Last week João and I went to the symphony (Russian music) thanks to tickets from a friend. And next week I'll be going to see the play "Crowns". Life is good. Sad sometimes, but good all the time.

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