Wednesday, September 20, 2006


One of the things I don't miss about Canada (sorry, folks!) is the health care system. I felt like I was falling apart during my time there. I have begun to search out specialists here (no need for a family doctor to recommend you) and get some exams to find out where I stand. One of the interesting and different aspects here is that you make your own appointments for any exams and then you pick up the results (or get them over the internet) to take to the doctor. The exams stay with you, so you can carry them around and show them to various doctors. I like the system. Mostly because you can compare results from the past, even if you change doctors. And because you can look them over and study them before visiting the doctor - being ready with your questions!
So my first exams are back (I also love that within a couple of weeks I saw the doctor, had a full battery of exams and got the results!). Good news - my bone scans shows no more signs of osteopenia - the beginnings of osteoporisis. Attributable to aqua-fitness, since I took no meds. Long live exercise!!!! I am even rated at 100% in my spinal column. Yeah.
Good news - I am reasonable healthy for my age and weight in the other exams. Bad news... I now have elevated cholesteral levels. They are exactly where they were 7 years ago. But the scales have changed and now I have high cholesteral. I was so pleased that I had controlled it, but lo and behold... not good enough. Oh dear. I already don't eat red meat or use anything except olive oil to cook with. No margarine or trans-fats, etc. So now... we are down to my last two options. Lose weight (hence the argh) and more exercise. I don't buy into the option of meds. Too many side effects. In addition my doctor asked for some extra tests, due to my family history and not surprisingly it showed that I have "metabolic syndrome". That is to say - I am overweight, too high of cholesterol, produce way too much insulin and am high risk for cardio-vascular disease (like I didn't know all that!!!). Haven't gotten all the exams back, so haven't been back yet, but I know the first two words out of her mouth will be... (now let's all say this together) "lose weight".
Since I've been reading about the importance of a good night's sleep - something I have been ignoring for a while - I have made some slight (actually huge) changes this past week. Computer and TV are off by 10PM. By 10:30 I am in bed reading and lights out by 11PM. That means I get up earlier (I've been waking up before 6AM!). So today I took at 45 vigorous walk before breakfast. I've had breakfast and will be leaving in a few minutes for aqua-fitness. No more eggs or cheese for breakfast. I'm back to yoghurt and strawberries and nuts and water. ARGH. If this healthy living doesn't kill me, I may live to be a 100 years old.
Actually I have let things slide in terms of my lifestyle, due to all the changes in my life this year. And I have gained some weight since arriving here. But this was just the kick in the pants I needed to wake me up. I don't care about being slim, as that will never happen. I do, however, want to be a good steward of this temple God has given me. So pray with me, that I will be obedient in this area and demonstrate the fruit of the spirit of self-control. Will you do that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It had been so long since you had written, that I hadn't checked your blog recently. Boy, was I surprised that I had missed all these recent entries.
Please keep it up if possible. I do enjoy it.