Thursday, September 07, 2006

Perhaps Good-bye

In the middle of night when I awaken and sleep refuses to return, I compose the most poetic of blog entries. Of course I always fall asleep (thinking about my blog seems to be a guaranteed soporific) and never remember my wonderful ideas. That seems to be only one of the many problems I am experiencing in adding any new entries to my blog.
I just can't seem to get on top of it. In fact, most people abandon their blog within a couple of months (as did my husband - he who got me into this thing in the first place). I have stuck with it for two years now, which is pretty incredible considering the fact that "stick-to-itiveness" is not my hallmark feature.
But I am beginning to think it may be time to close down the shop. I am a firm believer that when things don't function anymore it's time to fix them or throw them away. I believe that about things and institutions, not people!!! I hate being stuck with something just because I started it.
So here I am with this dilemna. Do I make myself write something now and then to satisfy my three or four readers? Or do I give up?
I'm not sure. What does my "vast" reading audience think? So far TWO people have complained it's been over two months without a new entry. They have generously assumed it is because I am too busy.
That is not the truth.
In fact I am living a marvelously tranquil lifestyle because that is what I have chosen for myself these days. I do not wish to be stressed and over committed. I want to learn to live in a "Circle of Quiet".
I have to time to write my blog.
The problem is finding anything to say.
I don't have earth shattering fascinating events happening in my life.
Nor do I have fantastic philosophical thoughts passing through my head.
And well my personal thoughts and events... are just that. I am at a place in my life where it is neither prudent or desireable to expose to others all that is going on. And I guess that leaves me just slightly inhibited. I have not yet fully learned how to be discreet. I tend to be spontaneous... combustible and not ponderous and contained in my expressions. I am trying. In fact I am even doing a personal Bible study on what the Bible says about controlling one's tongue. It has a lot to say. Everyday I remind myself "Listen more, say less". For someone as verbose as I am, that is hard. I am trying not to interupt as much and to listen more.
See what just happened? In trying to explain why I have nothing to say, I wrote paragraphs and paragraphs.
Now all that is a good excuse for just ending "Peggy's Penlines", but I have a nagging suspicion that there is more to it than that. It's not just a lack of motivation, or a sudden new desire to stop talking about myself. I even think it's more than writer's block - thinking I just don't have anything interesting to talk about. I'm not sure.
I'll think about it.
And if I find there's hope for this blog, you'll find more entries. (And although I would like to have some comments on what you think about this, I really am not asking you to beg me continue!)
If not, one day you will access it and it will be gone.
Let's see what happens.


Anonymous said...

I understand Peggy and if you shut this down I will just harrass you by email LOL.Love and hugs Donna

Lizzie said...

I will miss the updates on how you are doing and the beautiful pictures. You could always try writing about something else if you are in the mood for something different.

Anonymous said...

I vote for you to continue your blog. I enjoy hearing from you, but understand. You must do what your heart leads you to do. Send me your email address if you stop. I would still love to hear from you now and then. Sue, Dothan, AL

Anonymous said...

Hey Sister!
If you don't continue, how will we keep in touch with you. You will have to promise maybe a quarterly prayer letter. I love to read about what's happening. But more so I just launch your blog and pray for you whether it's a new entry or not.
I don't want to forget about you my friend and your blog makes me think you are still just around the corner.
God Bless, Love ya

Anonymous said...

Hey there....hope you are reading our comments : ) I too would be happy if you kept this going and like Carol said I check in on you daily and pray for you. Of course its all up to you, but I also don't want to lose touch with you. Will keep checking in. Love Donna.... in Ottawa....far far away from you.

Anonymous said...

That period of time when I am awaken for a while during the night has produced fantastic projects, well elaborated letters, speeches and so on. However, I got really frustrated when later on I hadn’t been able to remember what I had produced. Therefore, I decided to set aside a pencil and some writing paper so I could jot down my genius thoughts during that time of ephemeral creativeness… After the first and only night I wrote my “thoughts“ what I could read on that paper the next morning was “ gruphl, I skdjfiwj duiosk vjeika slaboviak sveik nadia bieard“


Peggy, everybody asks about the new pastor and his wife. And what I hear most is
“Peggy is so spontaneous… She really is a loving person and sincere when talking to us“ Please, don´t quit your spontaneity. We love it.

And hei, keep your blog. It is really nice to “have you around“

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy: I just want to let you know that Peggy's Penlines in our favorites and I check it almost daily for new "Stuff". I always love your blogs and didn't realize until now - how important that the feedback was - sorry. I think that if everyone who "watched" would "comment" - it might surprise you. Bye for now and - if it's something that you like to do - then CONTINUE!!!!! -- Myrna