Thursday, October 12, 2006

Sweet Dreams

Finally! I have a decent guest room. After a three month wait, the curtains were finally installed in our guest bedroom. If you can see the towels on the bed, they were also a gorgeous gift for my birthday. They are so beautiful. I bought the bedspread and matching sheets with my birthday money as well. The colours aren't exactly true in this photo, but you get the idea that they are in various shades of pink - even the walls are a light pink. I eventually want to get bedside tables and lamps, as well as a cozy chair. I have a rice paper painting (but I lack getting it framed) to go over the bed. I brought it back from Korea, but for years it's been unframed. I think it will be great in this room. Someday I will finish everything, but there is still much to do!
Even my living room, which I have concentrated on, lacks artwork. I know what I want and gradually I will get the job done. My friend who made the curtains gave me three beautiful silk cushions for the living room. They are such a nice complement to the room. I so enjoy this room. I just feel at home. I am striving for comfort and making others feel comfortable. That means I want guests! I have enjoyed having various groups over to the house and hope to be able to continue to invest in that. We have also been able to have old friends over, as we now live in a part of town where lots of our friends live, so it's not so difficult for them to come over.
I have especially enjoyed having our church's seminary students over. We have monthly meetings with them and they are so much fun. I love being with young people and hearing their thoughts, ideas, hopes and dreams.
Speaking of dreams, that is what my birthday was last week. It really was wonderful. I am so amazed that after such a short time here in Rio, there were so many wonderful expressions of caring and affection. I was deeply touched and felt very appreciated. I have to admit it was good for my soul!
After an afternoon in the beauty shop, I felt like I came out a little too blonde, but everyone says it's not much and is subtle. I haven't been able to get a decent photo of me yet, as the batteries have been out on the camera until today. The way I looked today I wasn't about to take a picture. This was a photo João took of me on my birthday, but the batteries were too weak for a flash. It was a great day and full of sweet dreams. Hope you have lots of sweet dreams in your life as well.


Anonymous said...

Everything looks really nice and comfortable. I hope some day I get to try it all out.

Anonymous said...

looks wonderful never know. Will be waiting to see the new blonde you. Love Donna

Anonymous said...

You are doing a good job with the apartment. I know how long it takes to get EVERYTHING that wouldn't fit in a suitcase! Been there done that! Marilois