Tuesday, October 17, 2006

It's Just Amazing

Isn't just amazing how a new outfit can raise your spirits? And how much fun it is to shop? (I don't think I have any male readers, so I don't think I even need to explain that to my women friends!) Today I went shopping with a friend who bought me a new outfit for my birthday. It is also lots of fun to stretch out your birthday over the whole month. It was so much fun trying on clothes and actually finding something that fits! She led me to stores I would never have entered and I was amazed that they actually had something I can wear. I know I constantly struggle with the fact that I am fat and the trauma of being told in a store that they don't carry my size, so it was a pleasant surprise to discover I use 4 sizes less than I thought (sizing is very different here in Brazil - I wear a size 34 shoe, for instance and size 46 skirt). Anyway I ended up with a new skirt and blouse and shoes to boot. Great way to spend the morning.
And yes I continue to be faithful in my walking. João is even walking with me in the mornings. Finally after 3 weeks (I'm into the 4th week), I am beginning to reap some benefits. No, I am not thinner! But I finally have more energy and I don't dread walking in the mornings. In fact I wake up looking forward to it. Today I didn't want to stop after 40 minutes and 2 miles, but I had other things to do. (Like going shopping.)
Life is good. In just two weeks I will be going to the US to visit my family. And on Thursday João's parents fly in from Espírito Santo to spend 5 days with us. Lots to look forward to, that's for sure. Hope you are having as much fun as I am.


Anonymous said...

Pretty outfit..and shoes ! Your hair looks great but different than the little flip you had in Canada.*smile* Glad you had such a nice Birthday week.

Anonymous said...

Love the shoes. That is a good color on you too.

Anonymous said...

HI Peggy: I tried to leave a comment last night and now I noticed - it didn't take - so here goes: Great outfit - imagine - shopping in Rio - it sounds so - so -so Cosmopolitan - so movie starrish - I love it!! We miss you - but love that your life in Rio is really falling into place. Your Blog entries are wonderful - keep writing - well of course only if you want to. Bye for now, Myrna