Sunday, November 19, 2006

Not zoom, zoom, zoom, but close

I left off, on purpose, some significant news, from my blog entry yesterday. I waited until today. In this morning's worship service, João was presented with the keys to a 2007 Corsa Chevrolet. It belongs to the church, but is designated for the pastor's use. The delivery of the car was on Friday and João ran around getting the license plate on Friday. They put the big sign on it that says it's the car of the pastoral office, so that everyone could see it in the parking lot.
Everyone says it is such a cute little car, that it just matches João's personality. It's a metallic steel blue colour, with four doors. We are excited that it has air conditioning, as well as a radio and CD player (very NOT-standard for cars here), as well as electric locks and windows (which are pretty standard).
Now get this... who drove it home tonight? I did!!!! Believe it or not I was so nervous and excited, I was almost shaking. It drives like a dream. I just had a little problem making a smooth shift from second to third gear... and then finding reverse. As you know, every car is different and we didn't bother to check before needing it. But it was an easy reverse, once you figured out you had to push up a ring (and not shove down and over like our Opala!). A church member followed us home just to make sure we did okay. So take another look at the new "baby". Any suggestions for a name???


Anonymous said...

Shes beautiful,I know you will enjoy the car very much, a nice surprise I am sure. Maybe you could call her Canada .LOL.

Anonymous said...

You certainly can't call it "Bucket of Bolts" like I called on of my cars. But how about the Blue Flash.