Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Ford Every Stream

Despite the odds, we are still at it. I mean to say, we are still walking in the Tijuca National Forest. Last week, however, I had a small... or perhaps large, setback as I got a little too happy about walking, too ambitious. I walked too long, too far and too uphill. I knew I was tired at the end of the walk, but the next day I knew something was wrong as my leg was swollen in an odd place - behind my ankle. Yup, you already guessed it, an injured achilles tendon. After lots of ice, some physiotherapy sessions (8 sessions left to go), it's much better and I am back to walking, albeit with much caution. I have to avoid hills and steps still and I am being very good about lots of stretching. I just couldn't stand the thought of giving up this paradise. It's like my own little personal link to complete sanity in an insane world. Those photos are from today's trail walk. We are always finding new little places that are loops and easy walking for me right now. I just can't get over the joy of seeing this beauty.
In a pragmatic way, neither of us really has time to do this. However, we have decided we don't have time NOT to do this for us. We both feel so much better, that we intend to plug away while we can.
It's been a really hectic week that has been hard on both of us and I think we need this time to decompress.
This weekend we both led part of the sessions for a Religious Education Congress that was held at our church, although not organized by us. It went very well and there were about 1000 participants, but we both came to the same conclusion that we will not be accepting anymore conferences. It's too stressful, in terms of preparation and trying to catch up on Saturday night. I was completely exhausted. I have been saying all along that my days as a religious educator are really over and this was a confirmation of that. It's good to move on and in new directions. I now know that when I feel totally drained and down after I do something, I am working on my own, not with God. It's hard to say no sometimes, but amazingly, it's getting easier. It's all about a long obedience.
Saturday night, despite my tiredness, I was at Bia's birthday party, which we held here in the party room of my building. She is Marilene's daughter. I can hardly believe she is six years old. I was there when she was born and then never got to participate in any of her birthdays. So this was a special moment for all of us- especially so since they are moving out of state in July. By the time we took our photo together, I was so tired I was hardly making any sense. In fact, I had already gone upstairs and changed clothes and we were cleaning up when we recalled that we hadn't done a photo together. Marilene had to work hard to do the decorations with a Dora Explorer theme, as this material is not available here in Brazil. In the end, it turned out to be quite cute. I think I am still in denial about the fact that they will be moving in July. That's definitely more than a stream I will have to ford and a mountain I will have to climb.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi, Peguinha

Eu tb tenho dificuldade para acreditar que vou morar longe de vc de novo... mas, como já dissemos, se a nossa amizade sobreviveu aos seus cinco anos no Canadá, também sobreviverá à minha ida para São José.

Muito obrigada por toda a ajuda no niver da Bia. Fiquei feliz de ter vc fazendo a meditação nesse dia especial. Louvo a Deus por sua vida e por nossa amizade tão especial.

Te amo, amiga.

Beijocas carinhosas