Saturday, June 21, 2008


As I mentioned in yesterday's post, it is a rare thing to go on vacation and come home with so many new friends. We were blessed in our stay in Monte Verde. It was really wonderful. One of the very interesting moments was when the pastor's wife ran into us one day and invited us to eat pizza and attend a choir rehearsal. It's not the church choir, but rather a group that will be singing at the Latvian Baptist Convention. A large group of Latvians fled because of the communist persecution and some came to Brasil. Werner Grinberg was among this number. He eventually came to the mountains of Minas Gerais and established the village of Monte Verde (which is simply a portuguese translation of his name - Green Mount). Before constructing his permanent house, he built the Baptist Church. Certainly it is the only place in Brazil where a Baptist church is on the main street, prominent in the community. Some of the Latvian descendents of those who settled with him, are still members of the church. Together with Latvians from all over Brazil, they meet for an annual meeting. The group from Mt. Verde will be singing and so we were able to "practice" with them. I think music runs in the blood of the Latvians. Everyone I know is so very talented. I thought you would enjoy sharing in this special moment! Just listen in with us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Que bom que voces estão de volta!! Estava com saudades. As fotos são realmente fantásticas, esse caminho de volta parece ter sido maravilhoso. Depois quero ver todas as fotos!