Friday, June 27, 2008

New... and Improved

I've been talking about it for a long time, but now I've gone and done it. Back to my natural color - sort of - for my hair. We tried matching, but it's hard to do, especially on the blond highlights. My highlights were never supposed to be so many or so blonde. They just kept getting lighter and brassier. So off with them. On to a new color! I asked for a trim and out came the razor and when I looked up, my hair was gone. But I loved the look, although it still kind of shocks me, as I don't look like myself at all. Fortunately the hair will grow out. I love the color, although I already know most people won't. I like being a brunette, like I was born. I say this is sort of my natural color, because this color definitely covered up the "grey". Shocking isn't it? I have greying hair. If I had more grey I would leave it, but I have here and there so that it looks odd. Anyway, here I am with a new look. If it's improved, well you'll have to judge. I feel younger and lighter (wish the latter part were true about more of me than my hair, alas...). Can't wait to see the reaction at church on Sunday. Hey, why don't you try something new and improved in your life this week? (Not necessarily a new hairdo, however.)


Anonymous said...

I love it Peggy ! Glad you had some time away.Your artistic ability is developing nicely.....oh and its sooooo hot in Ottawa right now.

Peggy Fonseca said...

Hey Donna, thanks. I have been noticing that the temps in Ottawa are hotter than here in Rio. Even though it's winter here, that is unusual. We are complaining that global warming is cooling us down, but guess it is warming you up. Enjoy and think how much you would love this when it is -35! Hahahaha