We arrived home safely from our wonderful vacation. We travelled slowly, visiting along the way. We left on Sunday and arrived home on Tuesday night. The only serious adventure on our return trip was on the very last leg, which was only to be about 4 or 5 hours. As we passed by a rest stop we debated on stopping and eating lunch and using the restroom, but we thought there was another one about 30 minutes away that was better. Why, or why do we make these decisions? Just a few more miles down the road there was an overhead sign announcing an accident ahead. That concerned me, as we were close to a mountain pass where the highways divide (Serra das Araras) and there is a very steep downgrade. If a truck overturns there (as VERY frequently happens), you are just plain stuck, as even emergency vehicles have a really hard time getting through. Well, that was what happened, as a chemical truck overturned, the highway was closed and there we were in the middle of nowhere. I had food and my computer, so I was fine for a while. But after an hour, I began searching for somewhere to go to the bathroom. There was a steep embankment and so I had to decide if I wanted to be miserable for a while or risk my neck. I chose the former. Finally they opened up one lane down the mountain (they actually had to close our side and let us drive in the other lane that came up the mountain) and lo and behold just a few yards from where we were was a restaurant. I could have walked there easily. But who knew? Fortunately all’s well that ends well. We got in a lot later than planned, of course, since we also hit traffic in Rio because of the delay.
I know the photo to the left gave you a chuckle, right? Last year João let his beard grow during vacation. This year he shaved it off when we got home and I got a shot of him in mid progress. Isn’t it hysterical? My own little Hitler.
Last night was a great cause for celebration as Elly and her fiancé, Bernardo, graduated from the university with degrees in engineering (remote control and automation).
Most of the family was there, although I had a hard time getting decent photos. But I loved the photo of Elly with Sissy and her Mom and Dad. I think it’s a nice shot. The ceremony was not too long and all the speakers were interesting, so it was a good evening.
It was a long 5 1/2 years of study and work and they were both radiant with joy. There were tears, as you can see, since they will miss their friends and professors. Since they are now graduates, as of next week they will have the paperwork that makes them official engineers (and not just students) and hopefully that will bring them a better salary at their jobs.
After graduation, the whole clan went out to eat at a very nice Italian restaurant. I know I made it an old joke, but we were such a modern family. Elly had her mom, grandparents and aunt and uncle and cousin there, as well as her dad and step mom. Bernardo’s parents are separated as well, so he had his two families and everyone had a great time visiting and talking. It’s nice when everyone can get along and celebrate together. I commented one time, though, that Christmas will certainly be complicated for them. Where will they spend it? We agreed that they didn’t have to worry about us, we would have our Thanksgiving celebration guaranteed, since no one else celebrated that here in Brazil.
And so ends our vacation. We are unpacked. The laundry is done. I have grocery shopped (I think Sissy was down to one package of Ramen noodles and cat food) and have lunch in the oven. Tomorrow is our last day of vacation, but for sure João will work on his sermon for Sunday. We are anxious to get back to work, to see our friends and to worship at our own Church. The two best parts of vacation are its beginning and its end!
Muito comédia a foto do João. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
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Eu sou engenheira, eu sou engenheira, eu sou engenheira!!!
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