Thursday, September 09, 2004

Rain, Rain Go Away

Now you wouldn't think that the hurricane Francis would be affecting us up here in Canada. Guess again. We broke the all time weather record for rainfall in one day. I think it's standing at about 133mm, which is a lot of rain. Especially since a lot of it is IN my house. UGH! After all the work on our basement, you'd think we'd have the problem licked. This time we got a double whammy. The new window wells filled up with water and when I looked up this afternoon the water level was above the windows and water was rolling in through the windows themselves. I was alone and wasn't sure what to do - move my computer and books right away or bail the water out of the windows. So I rain out in the cold pouring rain and bailed the water out of the window wells. Then I ran in and started hauling off the computer and bookshelves. When João got in, he took up the bailing and then he put protection around the windows and voilá, no more accumulation. Then we discovered the ceiling dripping in the basement. Coming from our bedroom, where we found the paint peeled off and the plaster soft all under the windows. So back out in the rain and mud and covering the windows in plastic. We both changed clothes at least four times. I HATE RAIN! Now I fully realize our little inconvenience doesn't measure up to the tragedies down south, but nevertheless it didn't make for a great day for me. I've finally got my computer set up in a different corner of the basement right now. The fans are going and I've already dried all my towels 3 times sopping up the water. I figure in a week or so I should be dried out again. But no we know no more water will come in. I had so much to do today, but it didn't get done. So tomorrow will be redoubled! Fun, fun, fun.

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