Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Evangelism Conference

For the first time on vacation John and I spent a day apart. He went off with the pastor of my mom's church, New Bethel Baptist, to the state evangelism conference in Louisville, Kentucky. I hope John and Bro. George are having a grand time.
Mom and I had more coupons to be used - including at Victoria's Secrets. Girls, will be girls you know. I also was able to help her work on her computer. She learned lots of new tricks and is very happy. Now, I must close and install a new mouse and a new scanner.

John and George Naylor in Walton, Kentucky


Anonymous said...

Oi Peggy,

Escrevi fazem alguns dias no seu blog mas acho que fiz alguma besteira e você não recebeu.
Espero que você e o Pastor estejam aproveitando as boas temperaturas dos Estados Unidos, porque nós aqui em Ottawa estamos padecendo de frio. Hoje fez -33C!
estamos com saudades.
Roberta e Júnior

Anonymous said...


Esqueci de dizer que teremos 5 pessoas para o batismo.
Cristina voltou do Brasil e já perguntou pelo gato da tia Peggy.