Thursday, December 22, 2005

Ah...muqueca cabixaba

For my anglophone friends, the title of this entry is the dish you see in the earthenware pot in the photo to the left. If you look hard enough you can practically see it bubbling. Sissy graciously sent me this photo of she and I eating out just about one week ago! It's so hard to believe. It was so hot and humid there and we were enjoying that delicious fish stew and now here I am freezing beneath upteen inches of snow. What a contrast. There I was thoroughly enjoying wonderful Brazilian food and now I can hardly eat as I recover from a bout of the stomach flu. How things change in just a few days. Life really presents us with so many fleeting emotions. Things shift and change so unexpectedly. As I said once, it really is a kaleidescope. Each time you turn the tube you get to see a new and delightful picture.

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