Saturday, December 31, 2005

Just the old folks...

João and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary this week. We had planned a nice romantic dinner at the revolving restaurant here in town, but when it turned icey (literally) cold and icky, we cancelled our reservations. What's the point of paying a fortune to see clouds??? We are just two practical old people. So we went to the mall and walked and shopped and did eat supper and enjoyed our evening. We will go to the Marriott, but on a day where we can enjoy the panoramic view.
Then the next day we had even more fun, as we babysat our favourite 2 year old. I took my old korean bed and made the himalayan mountains by the couch for her to climb up and then slide down. Then she made acrobatic jumps from the couch to the bed below. Finally João taught her to do somersaults, which she learned with a vengeance. We laughed and had a grand time. I even got to introduce her to peanut butter which met with her approval. Who says I spoil her??? Not me! We had so much fun with her. I wondered... why do we fall into other people's opinions of how to enjoy life? To stop and play and laugh with her was a million times more refreshing than a candle-light dinner.
We are so blessed in life when we can learn to enjoy children in their fresh approach to life and appreciate the stories our elders have to tell us. And we are most blessed when we totally love where WE are in life. I guess João and I are just two old shoes. Comfortable with where and who we are.
Still... we are ready for a new year and all the changes that is sure to bring in our lives. VIVA being flexible. And Happy 2006.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eu sou Maria Edinalva Fonseca Nogueira,sou casada com o pr.Alcides Novaes Nogueira e moro no Sertão de Pernambuco,. Belém de São Francisco. Conheci vocês através das revistas Visão Missionária e Você.
Os seus artigos e de seu esposo nos influenciaram muito nossa vida. Nossos filhos são João Marcos, (17)Jônatas (15)Joel (12) Juliana (11).
Que Deus continue abençoando sua família missionária em Toronto.
Orem por nós também.