Thursday, September 20, 2007

Sweetie has arrived

Our sweet kitty arrived this afternoon. We were so excited. Sissy was disappointed that she had to go to classes and miss her arrival. When her mommy arrived, she asked if I wanted her to cut her nails and I thought, yeah I wanna see this. She sat still like a little lady, that she is and she let her do it.
She let me pick her up and carry her around the house and show her things like she belonged to me. She meowed a few times and then began to explore. Her meow is like a Siamese - throaty or gutteral. I heard her just a few minutes ago. She found her spot right away - hidden in a corner under the sink in our bathroom asleep on a pile of clean (alas!) towels. I finally coaxed her out and she spent about an hour on the bed with me, kneeding, purring and looking totally smug and content. Since I did have things to do, I finally left her. She immediately jumped off the bed. Where she is now, I don't know. Can't find her. The apartment is so big, even though I have shut off various rooms, she could be anyway. I hear her meow now and then, so she must be exploring!
She appears to be smart and obedient, quiet and really sweet. As for her name, I too like Maura, but Sissy associates the name with someone she doesn't care for, so the name is out. Tonight Elly is coming over, so in our family conference, we'll try to decide if we all like UNA or come up with something else. We've ruled out the common names like Midnight, Blacky, etc. No one liked my suggestion of Noir, since it sounds like In the ar in portuguese! Will keep you all posted.


Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous. Our two balck cats were Sparkys, but they were boys lol. I like Ebony ( ebony and ivory on the piano), have fun finding the perfect name for her and enjoy her, I know you will !

Anonymous said...

Oi Peggy,
Que bom que a gatinha chegou! Quanto ao nome eu tenho uma idéia, que tal Glória Maria.
beijos para todos aí.

Anonymous said...

She's so black, one can't really SEE her!

Shadow might be her name!

Anonymous said...

How about Mandella? I think it is a good name.

Anonymous said...

How about Joana "Dark".hahaha

Anonymous said...

Que tal, "Nega"?