Monday, February 11, 2008

My favs

I have no idea why, but I love the movies. I can remember rushing home from grade school to watch the afternoon at the movies, featuring Francis Farmer as the hostess (the poor dear, I thought she was just a hopeless drunk, having no idea she had been lobotomized). I loved the fact that with my quarter I could go to the movies on Saturday at the Emerson and see lots of short movies and afford snacks on the side. Now those weren't very auspicious movies to start off my taste for movies... I mean Shirley Temple festivals, and "I Was a Teenage Werewolf" weren't exactly masterpieces of cinematographic style. Still I hung in there and as I grew older, I got to see some better films like "Dr. Zhivago". I even began to realize I really liked some movies enough to want to see them over and over, like "Wizard of Oz", and some I just thought were so awful I didn't have to stay to the end, even if I had paid more than a quarter - like "La Dulce Vita".
So as I thought back on all the movies I had seen and liked and hated and even just loved, I wondered if I could compile a personal list of movies that I would like to see more than once and that actually meant something in my life. I mean it seems like anybody who is someone has done so and I find I don't often agree with them. So I have sort of categorized some of my favourites. Now, you need to know that the order is random (I have no all time favorite movie) and that I have perhaps forgotten some wonderful movies. Other "great movies" didn't make my list because frankly I don't like them (like the "Bicycle Thief" that I just hated), I find they didn't age well and I never want to see them again ("Gone With the Wind"), just too violent or dirty for me (Godfather), I just didn't "get" it (what the Sam Hill was "Space Oddessy 2001" all about? ) or I found them just plain overdone ("Titanic" - please don't make me listen to Celine Dion again!!!).
So here goes my list of 'Peggy' movies.

Classic/Black and White Movies

The Wizard of Oz
Citizen Kane
How Green was my Valley
To Kill a Mockingbird
Stairway to Heaven (other title: A Matter of Life and Death) - A very strange story, but lovely too.
The Best Years of our Lives (Such a sweet ending)

Foreign Movies
Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (One of my very favorites!!!)
It's a Beautiful Life
Feast of Babette
Como Agua Para Chocolate
Rabbit Proof Fence (a real surprise for me - an Australian film)
Kite Runner (one of the few new films to enter my list, this is an all time must see movie)

Brazilian Movies
O Homem Nu
O Partilho
Estação Central
Tropa do Elite

My Big Fat Greek Wedding (one of the few films I have seen more than 5 times and still seems fresh and funny)
Ground Hog Day (I've only seen it about 4 times, but ditto on the comment above)
The Bucket List (A comedy that made me cry)
Forrest Gump (another comedy that made me cry)

The Color Purple
Schindler's List
About Schmidt
Chariots of Fire
Paradise Road

(I never was a cartoon fan, and most Disney movies just weren't my cup of tea. I absolutely hated and still can't stand Bambi!)
Beauty and the Beast
Finding Nemo

(Surprisingly this category actually entered in, but you'll note there is no horror or scarey movie category, because I hate that kind of stuff)
The Indiana Jones trilogy (One of my biggest disappointments was to show one to Sissy and to find she really thought it was boring - I still love all three of them)
The Ring Trilogy (No I don't have a thing for trilogies, as you will note Star Wars is not on the list, although I loved them when they first were issued, but now they just seem hokey).

Singing in the Rain (A musical that isn't STUPID like most of them)
An American in Paris (how can you lose with Gershwin?)
Sound of Music - as ooey-gooey as it is, it had to one of the most important movies for my youth - I lived and breathed that story.
Fiddler on the Roof (especially since my husband loves it so much)
My Fair Lady
Mary Poppins

Romance (Chick Flicks)
Green Card (I really love this story for some reason and almost no one else even remembers it)
An Affair to Remember (I know, it's embarrassing to like such a tear jerker)
Somewhere in Time (Oh, what a romance!)
When Harry Meets Sally (I still laugh - you know when).
Shadowlands (wow, this one really made me cry)
A Portrait of Jennie (I saw parts of this movie during all my childhood, but don't think I ever saw all of it until last year. I maybe its only fan, but it has to one of the most romantic stories ever)

Feel-Good / Inspirational Movies
Bend it Like Beckham
The Bishop's Wife
Amazing Grace (despite the fact that it is so mixes fiction and fact)
The End of the Spear
Second-Hand Lions
The Ultimate Gift
Mr. Holland's Opus
The Dead Poet Society (I liked it a lot better when I was younger, but it did impact the way I taught).

Did I leave anything significant off the list? I'll go back and add it, if I did. Let me know what you think in the comments column.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, I watched Mr. Holland´s Opus, again, today!
and Sound of the Music is a film that I watched nearly 20 times. Then, one day I went to Vermont and visit Maria´s Inn. I could visit Maria´s, the captain´s and some other members of the family´s graves, but what really struck me was the fact that Maria gave her heart to Jesus some years after the death of her husband. In fact, she wrote a book - Maria! to tell this to people.
Nice list.