Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Have you ever caught someone on the phone who has just gotten in and had to run to answer the phone? They sound all out of breath? I sort of feel rushed in that kind of way. When you are "really" talking to someone, you can hear it. When you are writing in 3rd person, you can explain it. Since I write in first person, I just have to ask you to imagine it! These are busy days, and the need to add to my blog has been a "dull roar" in my ears for a week now, but since I now have some really cool pictures, I decided to take a few minutes and share about last Sunday.
I just can't quit smiling as I recall the morning service. Our new minister of music was installed or inducted, whatever you want to call it. We are calling him our "prime-minister" (the first associate minister in the history of our church).
The church was packed, literally standing room only. That is always a thrill! The full orquestra was present and WOW were they ever on top of their "game". I know that most people think there will be a praise band in heaven, but me I think it will be an orchestra!
Eduardo and his family (the new minister) were all there. During the children's message I called them all up and put them in the middle of the circle and we prayed for the family. That, for me was a moving moment. As was the moment when he led the congregation in singing "Shout to the North". Another high point was when I presented Renata (his wife) with a small vase of flowers and then every choir in the church gave her more roses until she had 5 dozen red roses. It was a beautiful scene representing our support of her. The most moving moment was when Eduardo shared his "commitment" to the church. He was so emotional, it was hard for him to speak. But when he shared of his commitment to the pastor and to support him in all decisions, I looked up and saw my husband dabbing away the tears, it really was touching. Of course, it's kind of tough to top 1700 people singing Handel's "Aleluia" with a full orchestra!
We have no doubt that God has brought Eduardo to our church and will use him in wonderful ways.
When you have prayed and yearned for something so long and you see it come to fruition, there is a special sense of fulfillment that is overwhelmingly joyous. It's the kind of day you will replay in your mind when things get hard! It's important to have those "memorial" moments (I call them "Ebenezer" moments").
On Monday evening we also had another special moment. We were invited to attend Margaret Johnson's "going-away" worship service. She is retiring after 38 years as a Southern Baptist Missionary. (she only has 11 years on me, if I hadn't resigned from the board). She had the service at the Women's Training School where I taught from 1989-1996. I hadn't been in the chapel for many years and when I walked in so many memories rushed back that I started crying. I finally remembered so many wonderful times (When I left the school, I was so tired and burned out and unhappy, I forgot all those things) and especially missed the former director, Elizabeth Oates (who is now sitting at Jesus' feet). Margaret's service was well-planned (she would never do any less than perfect, would she?) and VERY meaningful. She wanted no preaching, just a worship service of thanksgiving to the Lord. We sang and read scripture and remembered. When it ended, no one wanted to leave. I have never seen a more "God-honoring" going-away party. I felt richly blessed to have known Margaret and to have participated in this worship service.
So I end this post today with the words of the Dennis Jernigan song, Thank you, Lord
For all that You've done, I will thank You
For all the You're going to do
For all that You've promised
And all that You are
Is all that has carried me through
Jesus I thank You

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