Monday, May 05, 2008

What a blast

I had just a great time at the youth camp over the weekend with the kids from church. They are a good group of kids. They were attentive, obedient and even let me sleep all night long. Hey is this April's Fool? No, it's the truth. I loved the kids and certainly got my quota of hugs.
They rigged up a slide of sorts, with heavy plastic on a hill. They poured water and soap on it and slid down the hill. It was really cold - at least to our Brazilian blood - on Friday. It was raining and about 65 degrees and there they were slip sliddin' away. I got a kick out of their resistance. A couple of people were worried they would get sick, but heck I figured they were young and strong and healthy and a little bit of chill and rain wouldn't hurt any. They got in on Sunday night and were really pooped. I only had my cell phone with me, so you can't get a good focus on the slide, but still I thought you would get a kick out of how I spent my holiday. And by the way I didn't slide as I didn't have appropriate clothes, although some of the girls offered to loan me a bikini. Fat chance (literally)!

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