Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Out of Here

Hi friends, neighbours and countrymen.
I am on VACATION!!!! I haven't left town yet, but in a few more hours (after some sleep I hope to find time for) João and I will be heading for the hills (literally) for some serious rest. We have rented a chalé in the mountains where there is nothing to do except sleep, relax and do nothing slowly. No internet or telephone. It is quite chilly there (this week it was about 30 degrees Farenheit) and we have only our love to keep us warm. Well not true, since there is a fireplace, we are taking a heater and bunch of blankets and lots of warm clothes. Our car is full to overflowing, since I am also taking our food (it's a resort area and expensive). I think I have just about everything ready to go, except a few last minute things we will still use tonight. We have packed just tons of books and can't wait to do catch up on reading. I have 30 films to watch, so if our eyes fall out, I don't know what we will do. Today I had extra drawing lessons and at the end of the session, did my first sketch of a live model. I only had a little bit of time to work on it, so now I have the project to complete during my holidays. That should also keep me busy. I'll show you the results when I get back.
I know you will manage to survive without my blog for a month, but wanted to let you know that I haven't dropped off the face of the earth. Just dropped out of the internet.
Hope you have as much fun as I plan on having the next few weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must confess that I am suffering from the sin of envy! We are so busy right now and McPhail is doing so well, God is Good!
Enjoy your rest - I know how wonderful it will be.
Love and Blessings on you both.
Ottawa is not too hot yet and the tulips were the best this year!
Miss you. . .