It definitely is summertime here. Plenty hot. Some days remind me of my childhood in Indianapolis with 250% humidity, lot of rainstorms, and heat waves coming up off the sidewalks. That’s what it’s been like here. Lots of heat, humidity and rain. Perfect for frizzy hair. (And I ask you, when will that look ever come back in style? Oh for the early 90’s back again!).
With the tremendous rain storms, the city’s traffic as really been in a gnarl. I wondered if the car would flood out on the way home Sunday night. Just to help me out with my enjoyment, last night, during the night, the electricity went out. I woke up to dead silence and total heat. I took my pillow and went to the spare bedroom, opened up the patio door and tried to sleep. It was so windy, however, that I had a hard time. Finally I did go back to sleep and then the wind died down and I was hot again. By this time the electricity was back up again and I went back to my air conditioned bedroom. I also, plugged everything I had unplugged. I always worry about surges in such situations, as that is common. I think we’ll have a lot of rolling blackouts this year with the tremendous heat we are experiencing.
To add to my pleasure there is a (to be correct, there are a lot) of plumbing problems in the building, and they are cutting the water off now and then. That including yesterday as I did my laundry and this morning while trying to fix lunch. Always nice trying to cook with no water to clean up with. Since we have iron pipes, when the water comes back in, it’s all nice and red and rusty. Really nice to finish washing your clothes with.
I am working hard and things look good for my Window 7 switchover, if I can just remember to buy some DVD’s tomorrow. I hope to find time to do some analysis and evaluation of last year’s resolutions and share the ones for 2010. We have a watch night service that I am looking forward to. For now, it’s off to Wednesday staff meeting, couple counseling and business meeting. A full day.
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