Tuesday, December 21, 2004

A Really Not-So-Silent Night

My voice is back!!! I can talk and sing. So nothing is silent around here anymore. Nor was anything silent at our church on Sunday night. We presented our Christmas Pageant. Although it was advertised as an "instant" program, we had numerous rehearsals and were nervous down to the last rehearsal if everyone would ever get their part right. But once we put the costumes on everyone, the whole thing sprang to life. Five minutes to start, there were about 10 people in the church. Of course with about 15 people in the play, we knew we would have to invite a lot of people to come. When we finally made our grand entrance, the house was full. We know there were around 100 people and that was a wonderful blessing for us. And the "Not-So-Silent-Night" went off without a hitch. Everyone laughted (it was a comedy) in the right places. Afterward João was able to share a message of what Christmas was all about. Because the children were the "stars" of the play, lots of relatives and friends came out. I filled in as an angel (definitely NOT typecasting) at the last minute since Barb became a grandmother to twins that very morning.
Afterwards we had an International Potluck Dinner. Boy did people bring out the food. We had 4 tables laden down and even had some left-overs. I worked back in the kitchen, so I sampled lots of the food before it went onto the table. All delicious. The fellowship was marvelous as well. When João and I finally got home about 9:30 that evening, we were still on a real high. But believe you me, we were ready for a rest on Monday.
Although not very conducive for going out, since it was -25 (C), João went out early on Monday to help one of our members move. A lousy time of year to do that. I went out later that day to shop. But didn't last long, as it is some how tiring to shop clumping along in boots, coat, gloves, etc. It seems to weigh you down. Normally I leave that stuff in the car and make a dash for the stores, but it was just too cold for that. But that makes it feel all the more like Christmas.
Things are very quiet around here this year - such a contrast from last year when the whole family arrived to be with us. But it's kind of nice to have a break. The worst thing about Christmas this year is that boxing day falls on Sunday and I won't be able to do my customary all day shopping. Oh me oh my. Guess I'll survive!!!

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