Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Let is Snow!

It's snowing, it's snowing and the old lady is snoring. It feels like winter has finally come to Canada. Gorgeous snowflakes are falling all day long here in Ottawa. It's not accumulating too much since it's only 32 and the snow if very wet. It looks so beautiful sticking to the trees. Since I put up my Christmas tree on Monday, now everything looks just right. I used so many candles in my decorating that João thought I was planning on burning the house down. I don't think I should like the twenty candles on my mantle. I needed something to cheer me up, since my sister left on Saturday night and my house seemed so empty after her departure. We had such a good time together and did a lot of fun things. It was especially sensuous to visit the Hershey chocolate factory. I think I got my chocolate dose for the year, just smelling the air.
I am feeling a little hectic right now trying to get ready for the Christmas program (The Not-So-Silent Night) and the New Year's Eve Program (my teen-agers are planning it and want to do a big bash!) Someday I may catch up. I want to do an open house, but I may just have to forget about it. I do so love getting together with people this time of year! Hope you are having as much fun as I am.

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