Sunday, November 27, 2005

Living Beyond Myself

It was a hard thing for me to do. For a couple of reasons. It was hard to walk into a group where I didn't know anyone and where I didn't know what was going to happen. It was hard to commit to a couple of hours of week in class and time outside the class as well. It was a hard thing to commit to a study by a stereotypical southern American woman who seemed, to me, a bit wrapped up in producing literature and making money. But I did it.
Back in September I began participating in a weekly Bible study for pastor's wives. The study was Living Beyond Yourself, by Beth Moore, a study on the Fruit of the Spirit - something I had taught about on Wednesday nights last year. I wondered how much new there would be to learn. I was worried... this is a woman's Bible study, will it be shallow?
Guess what?? I was wrong. I was wrong about the quality of the study. It has been superb. It has been a blessing in my life, changing my way of thinking and living. I found myself guilty of prejudice, but God broke through and I was able to learn at the feet of a woman who truly truly loves the Word of God. I began finding myself wishing that I had that kind of passion for God's Word as well. Then I realized I could. It just would take more time and commitment than I had been willing to give. And this study has shown I CAN do that. I have begun to truly look forward to hearing her video's on Tuesday morning. And each day as I open up her notebook and begin to spend time in the Word, I came away excited and renewed. Even my prayer time has become more vivid and fruitful. God has moved in my life... doing a new thing.
So, yes it was hard for me to do this. And yes, I am so glad I have done this. The study ends this Tuesday. I will miss it. I know I don't need crutches to delve into the Bible. But this has helped me so much.
They are beginning a new study, in January. It is called: "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things". Sounds fascinating, doesn't it? I can't wait.
For now I am concentrating on living beyond myself. I, Peggy, can't be good. Wish I could. Just isn't in me. Fortunately with the Holy Spirit, I can live beyond who I am. I can be better and kinder but I can't do that alone. However, as the Holy Spirit lives in me, He can. Isn't that exciting? May you too be living beyond yourself.

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